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argillic — (ˈ)är|jilik adjective Etymology: argill + ic : of or relating to clay or clay minerals : argillaceous argillic alteration … Useful english dictionary
argillic — ar·gil·lic … English syllables
Brown earth — is a type of soil. Brown earths are mostly located between 30° and 55° north of the Equator. The largest expanses cover western and central Europe, large areas of western and trans Uralian Russia, the east coast of America and eastern Asia. Here … Wikipedia
Goyazit — Milchweiße Goyazitkristalle aus Rapid Creek, Yukon, Kanada (Sichtfeld: 20 mm) Chemische Formel SrAl3[(OH)6|PO3OH|PO4][1] … Deutsch Wikipedia
Trabancos River — The Trabancos is a river in Spain which flows between the Zapardiel and the Guareña rivers and is a tributary of the Duero river. The source of the Trabancos is in Moraña, a region in the north of the province of Ávila, near Blascomillán. The… … Wikipedia
Biorhexistasy — The Theory of Biorhexistasy describes climatic conditions necessary for periods of soil formation (pedogenesis) separated by periods of soil erosion. Proposed by pedologist H. Erhart in 1951, the theory defines two climatic phases: biostasy and… … Wikipedia
Cutans — are the modification of the soil texture, or soil structure, at natural surfaces (particle, pore, or ped) in soil materials due to illuviation. Cutans are oriented deposits [1] which can be composed of any of the component substances of the soil… … Wikipedia
Porphyrische Kupferlagerstätte — Porphyrische Kupferlagerstätten (oder Kupferporphyries, nach englisch: porphyry copper deposits oder copper porphyries) sind Kupfer Lagerstätten, die an Tiefengesteine (Intrusionen) mit einem hohen bis intermediären Gehalt von Siliciumdioxid… … Deutsch Wikipedia
alfisol — /al feuh sawl , sol /, n. a fertile soil of humid regions that occurs worldwide, esp. where native broadleaf forests were established, and is highly productive for agriculture. [1970 75; alf (according to the U.S. Soil Conservation Service,… … Universalium
Primary Diagnostic Horizons — ▪ Table Primary diagnostic horizons of soil U.S. Soil Taxonomy defining features FAO soil group system See as table: Epipedons histic thick organic layer histic . mollic thick, dark, neutral to alkaline mollic ochric pale or thin ochric .… … Universalium