- currency code
My foreign exchange applet knows the currency codes for all officially recognized currencies, not just USD and GBP.
Wikipedia foundation.
My foreign exchange applet knows the currency codes for all officially recognized currencies, not just USD and GBP.
Wikipedia foundation.
Currency code — An ISO term. The ISO code identifying the currency. The third character of the currency code will also identify the funds type, where relevant. 3a or 3n. Field number 32A in a SWIFT transfer … International financial encyclopaedia
Currency code, cardholder billing — An ISO term. See preferred term Cardholder billing currency code … International financial encyclopaedia
Currency code, settlement — An ISO term. See preferred term Settlement currency code … International financial encyclopaedia
Currency code, transaction — An ISO term. See preferred term Transaction currency code … International financial encyclopaedia
ISO Currency Code — Three letter alphabetic codes that represent the various currencies used throughout the world. ISO Currency Codes are specified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which provides standards for businesses, governments and… … Investment dictionary
Cardholder billing currency code — An ISO term. The currency code of cardholder billing amount and cardholder billing fee amount. 3a or 3n … International financial encyclopaedia
Settlement currency code — An ISO term. The currency code of settlement amount and settlement fee amount. 3a or 3n … International financial encyclopaedia
Updating currency code — An ISO term. The currency code employed when calculating for update. 3a … International financial encyclopaedia
Transaction currency code — An ISO term. The local currency of the acquirer or source location of the transaction. Currency used in transaction amount and transaction fee amount. 3a or 3n … International financial encyclopaedia
Currency sign — Not to be confused with currency code (the three letter ISO 4217 abbreviation) or the ¤ currency symbol. A currency sign is a graphic symbol used as a shorthand for a currency s name, especially in reference to amounts of money. They typically… … Wikipedia