- oppose
There is still time to oppose this plan.
b) To object to.They are opposed to any form of hierarchy.
Wikipedia foundation.
There is still time to oppose this plan.
They are opposed to any form of hierarchy.
Wikipedia foundation.
opposé — opposé, ée [ ɔpoze ] adj. et n. m. • 1549; de opposer 1 ♦ Se dit (au plur.) de choses situées de part et d autre et plus ou moins loin d un axe réel ou imaginaire et qui sont orientées face à face, dos à dos (⇒ symétrique); se dit (au sing.) d… … Encyclopédie Universelle
opposé — opposé, ée (o pô zé, zée) part. passé d opposer. 1° Placé vis à vis. Les deux rives opposées. • Leur troupe sanguinaire Marche en ce même instant au rivage opposé, VOLT. Triumv. II, 4. • Les deux pyramides [représentées par les rayons… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
opposé — Opposé, [oppos]ée. part. Il a les significations de son verbe. Deux armées opposées l une à l autre. deux rivages opposez, directement opposez. le signe de Libra est opposé à celuy d Aries. On appelle en termes d Astronomie, Aspects opposez, Les… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Oppose — Op*pose , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Opposed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Opposing}.] [F. opposer. See {Ob }, {Pose}, and cf.2d {Appose}, {Puzzle}, n. Cf.L. opponere, oppositum.] 1. To place in front of, or over against; to set opposite; to exhibit. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
oppose — op‧pose [əˈpəʊz ǁ əˈpoʊz] verb [transitive] to disagree with a plan or idea and try to prevent it from happening: • Three members of the board opposed the motion. • Several leading City investors had opposed the Bank of England s proposals. * * * … Financial and business terms
Oppose — Opposé Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. En mathématique, l opposé d’un nombre est le nombre tel que, lorsqu’il est à ajouté à n donne zéro. En botanique, les organes d une plante sont… … Wikipédia en Français
oppose — I verb act in opposition to, argue against, balk, battle, be at cross purposes, be contrary to, block, buck, challenge, collide, combat, come in conflict with, confront, confute, contend, contest, contradict, contravene, controvert, counter,… … Law dictionary
oppose — (v.) late 14c., from O.Fr. opposer, from O.Fr. poser to place, lay down (see POSE (Cf. pose) (v.1)), blended with L. opponere oppose, object to, set against (see OPPONENT (Cf. opponent)). Related: Opposed; opposing … Etymology dictionary
oppose — [v1] fight, obstruct argue, assail, assault, attack, bar, battle, bombard, call in question, check, combat, confront, contradict, controvert, counter, counterattack, cross, debate, defy, deny, disagree, disapprove, dispute, encounter, ex pose,… … New thesaurus
Oppose — Op*pose ([o^]p*p[=o]z ), v. i. 1. To be set opposite. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To act adversely or in opposition; with against or to; as, a servant opposed against the act. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. To make objection or opposition in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
oppose — contest, fight, combat, conflict, antagonize, *resist, withstand Analogous words: *contend, fight, battle, war: *attack, assail, assault, storm, bombard: *defend, protect, shield, guard, safeguard … New Dictionary of Synonyms