- walk all over someone
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
walk all over someone — walk all over (someone/something) 1. to treat someone or something without respect. You shouldn t let him walk all over you like that. This new law would walk all over our civil rights. 2. to defeat a person or team badly. The Nighthawks walked… … New idioms dictionary
walk all over someone — (informal) 1 be firm or they ll walk all over you: TAKE ADVANTAGE OF, impose on, exploit, use, abuse, misuse, manipulate, take liberties with; inf … Useful english dictionary
walk all over someone — If one person walks all over another, they treat them very badly or unkindly, especially by showing no consideration for their cares or needs. You must learn to defend yourself. Don t let him walk all over you! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
walk all over something — walk all over (someone/something) 1. to treat someone or something without respect. You shouldn t let him walk all over you like that. This new law would walk all over our civil rights. 2. to defeat a person or team badly. The Nighthawks walked… … New idioms dictionary
walk all over — (someone/something) 1. to treat someone or something without respect. You shouldn t let him walk all over you like that. This new law would walk all over our civil rights. 2. to defeat a person or team badly. The Nighthawks walked all over the… … New idioms dictionary
walk\ all\ over — • walk (all) over • step all over v. phr. informal To make (someone) do whatever you wish; make selfish use of; treat like a slave; impose upon. Jill is so friendly and helpful that people walk all over her. We wanted the man s business, so we… … Словарь американских идиом
walk all over sb — INFORMAL ► to treat someone badly: »The unions accused management of walking all over their staff. Main Entry: ↑walk … Financial and business terms
walk all over — 1) (smb) take advantage of someone, win a game easily They walked all over the other team at the football tournament. 2) (smb) make someone do whatever one wishes, make selfish use of He tried to walk all over me when I began the job but after I… … Idioms and examples
Walk all over — 1. be domineering towards someone; 2. defeat … Dictionary of Australian slang
walk all over — Australian Slang 1. be domineering towards someone; 2. defeat … English dialects glossary