Be a servant

  • 51A Tale of Two Cities (подарочное издание) , Charles Dickens (2003)
    Стильно оформленное подарочное издание в тканевом переплете и суперобложке, с трехсторонним золотым… 1489 руб

  • 52Dominion , C. J. Sansom (2005)
    1952. Twelve years have passed since Churchill lost to the appeasers and Britain surrendered to Nazi Germany. The global economy strains against the weight of the long German war against Russia still… 739 руб

  • 53Alex Et Zoe 3 Cahier D'Activites , Samson Colette (1999)
    D&# 233;couvrez vite le 3&# 232;me niveau d'Alex et Zo&# 233;, une nouvelle m&# 233;thode attrayante et pleine de bonne humeur pour commencer l'apprentissage du fran&# 231;ais&# 224; partir de 7 ans… 393 руб

  • 54The Picture of Dorian Gray. Elementary Level. + 2 AudioCD (+ Audio CD) , Wilde Oscar (2005)
    "Dorian Gray must be an interesting young man", said Harry." I don't want you to meet him", replied Basil quickly." You don't want me to meet him?""No" . Suddenly Basil's servant came out into the… 823 руб

  • 55Le Bal , Irene Nemirovsky (2007)
    "Le Bal" depicts the life of the Kampfs who, having recently gone up in the world thanks to luck with the stock decide to throw a ball in order to launch themselves into society. Their daughter… 710 руб

  • 56Survivor , Chuck Palahniuk (2000)
    Tender Branson, the last surviving member of the Creedish death cult, has commandeered a Boeing 747, emptied of passengers, in order to tell his story to the plane's black box before it crashes… 796 руб

  • 57Ici 1 - Cahier d'exercices + CD Audio et Fichier "D&# 233;couvertes" (+ Audio CD) , Dominique Abry (2007)
    ICI est la premi&# 232;re m&# 233;thode pour&# 233;tudiants&# 233;trangers de toutes nationalit&# 233;s con&# 231;ue pour&# 234;tre utilis&# 233;e en contexte fran&# 231;ais ou francophone. La m&#… 1065 руб

  • 58Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea , Jules Verne (1992)
    Professor Aronnax, his faithful servant, Conseil, and the Canadian harpooner, Ned Land, begin an extremely hazardous voyage to rid the seas of a little-known and terrifying sea monster. However, the… 200 руб

  • 59Martin Chuzzlewit , Charles Dickens (1994)
    Martin Chuzzlewit is Charles Dickens'comic masterpiece about which his biographer, Forster, noted that it marked a crucial phase in the author's development as he began to delve deeper into… 232 руб

  • 60The Children of Hurin , Tolkien J.R.R. (2009)
    Painstakingly restored from Tolkien's manuscripts, this is the first complete, standalone Middle-earth book by J. R. R. Tolkien since The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. It is a legendary time long… 583 руб