Convex lens
1convex lens — noun A lens having at least one convex surface, such that light passing through it may be brought to a focus. Syn: converging lens …
2convex lens — noun lens such that a beam of light passing through it is brought to a point or focus • Syn: ↑converging lens • Hypernyms: ↑lens, ↑lense, ↑lens system • Hyponyms: ↑sunglass …
3convex lens — rounded lens, lens which merges light rays together …
4convex lens — Burning glass …
5plano-convex lens — plokščiai iškilas lęšis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. plano convex lens vok. Plankonvexlinse, f rus. плоско выпуклая линза, f pranc. lentille plan convexe, f …
6concavo-convex lens — įgaubtai iškilas lęšis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. concavo convex lens vok. konkav konvexe Linse, f rus. вогнуто выпуклая линза, f pranc. lentille concave convexe, f …
7convex lens double — biconvex l …
8convex lens periscopic — concavoconvex l …
9Lens — (l[e^]nz), n.; pl. {Lenses} ( [e^]z). [L. lens a lentil. So named from the resemblance in shape of a double convex lens to the seed of a lentil. Cf. {Lentil}.] (Opt.) A piece of glass, or other transparent substance, ground with two opposite… …
10convex — (adj.) 1570s, from M.Fr. convexe, from L. convexus vaulted, arched, pp. of convehere to bring together, from com together, or thoroughly (see COM (Cf. com )) + vehere to bring (see VEHICLE (Cf. vehicle)). Possibly from th …