
  • 71Ackermann–Teubner Memorial Award — The Alfred Ackermann–Teubner Memorial Award for the Promotion of Mathematical Sciences recognized work in matematical analysis. It was established in 1912 by engineer Alfred Ackermann Teubner (1857 01 31 ndash; 1940) [cite web… …


  • 72Réseau de l'islam libéral — Le Réseau de l islam libéral, en indonésie Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL), est un groupement informel dont l objectif est de discuter et de diffuser une interprétation libérale de l islam en Indonésie. Une des raisons de sa création était le désir… …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 73convey — con·vey /kən vā/ vt con·veyed, con·vey·ing: to transfer or transmit (property or property rights) to another esp. by a writing (as a deed or will) agreed to convey to the estate his Manhattan town house R. H. Jensen compare alienate, devise …

    Law dictionary

  • 74distribute — dis·trib·ute /di stri byüt/ vt ut·ed, ut·ing 1: to divide among several or many: apportion 2: to give out or deliver esp. to members of a group see also dividend …

    Law dictionary

  • 75issue — is·sue 1 / i ˌshü, ˌsyü/ n 1 pl: proceeds from a source of revenue (as an estate) rents, issue s, and profits 2: one or more lineal descendants died without issue compare …

    Law dictionary

  • 76publish — pub·lish vt 1: to make known to another or to the public generally ◇ For purposes of defamation, a defamatory communication made to only one third party may be considered published. 2 a: to proclaim officially publish an enactment b: to declare… …

    Law dictionary

  • 77Classified United States website — A variety of networks operating in special security domains handle classified information in the United States or sensitive but unclassified information, while other specialized networks are reserved specifically for unclassified use by the same… …


  • 78circulate — I verb acquire currency, announce, bandy, be public, be published, become public, bring before the public, bring out, broadcast, bruit abroad, change hands, change places, circuit, circularize, circumagere, come out, communicate, convey, diffuse …

    Law dictionary

  • 79dispense — I verb administer, allocate, allot, appoint, apportion, appropriate, assign, bestow, bestow upon, confer, deal, deal to, detail, dimittere, dispense, disperse, dispose of, disseminate, distribuere, distribute, divide in portions, do away with, do …

    Law dictionary

  • 80propagate — I (increase) verb be fruitful, bear, beget, breed, bring into being, continue, create, engender, father, fecundate, generate, gignere, give birth, multiply, originate, procreare, procreate, produce, progenerate, proliferate, pullulate, reproduce …

    Law dictionary