Expressive of sadness

  • 31Hals, Frans — born 1581/85, Antwerp, Spanish Netherlands died Sept. 1, 1666, Haarlem, Neth. Dutch portrait painter. He spent his life in Haarlem, where he was registered as a master by the Guild of St. Luke in 1610. His group portraits of members of local… …


  • 32William Byrd — (c. 1540 ndash; 4 July 1623) was an English composer of the Renaissance. He cultivated many of the forms current in England at the time, including various types of sacred and secular polyphony, keyboard and consort music ProvenanceOur knowledge… …


  • 33Cloud Strife — Design for character Cloud Strife Series Final Fantasy and Compilation of Final Fantasy VII First game …


  • 34Manga iconography — A page from the Marmalade Boy manga, volume 1 (Japanese version) Japanese manga has developed its own visual language or iconography for expressing emotion and other internal character states. This drawing style has also migrated into anime, as… …


  • 35blues — blues1 bluesy, adj. /bloohz/, n. 1. the blues, (used with a pl. v.) depressed spirits; despondency; melancholy: This rainy spell is giving me the blues. 2. (used with a sing. v.) Jazz. a. a song, originating with American blacks, that is marked… …


  • 36Sex and psychology — This article is about psychology and the male and female biological sexes. For information about human sexual perceptions, see Human sexuality. Research on sex and psychology investigates cognitive and behavioral differences between men and women …


  • 37YIDDISH LITERATURE — This articles is arranged according to the following outline: introduction UNTIL THE END OF THE 18TH CENTURY the bible in yiddish literature epic homiletic prose drama liturgy ethical literature Historical Songs and Writings transcriptions of… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 38sad — adjective (sadder; saddest) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sæd sated; akin to Old High German sat sated, Latin satis enough Date: 13th century 1. a. affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness ; downcast b. (1) causing or… …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 39melancholy — I. noun (plural cholies) Etymology: Middle English malencolie, from Anglo French, from Late Latin melancholia, from Greek, from melan + cholē bile more at gall Date: 14th century 1. a. an abnormal state attributed to an excess of black bile and… …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 40Blues — This article is about the music genre. For other uses, see Blues (disambiguation). Blues Stylistic origins African American folk music Work song Spirituals Cultural origins Late 19th century, southern United States Typical instruments …
