Inhabitant of a town

  • 51capetonian — kāpˈtōnēən noun ( s) Usage: capitalized Etymology: irregular (influence of such words as Newtonian, Bostonian) from Cape Town, Union of So. Africa + English ian : a native or inhabitant of Cape Town, Union of So. Africa …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 52shilonite — ˈshī(ˌ)lōˌnīt noun ( s) Usage: capitalized Etymology: irregular (influence of Late Latin Silonita Shilonite) from Shiloh, town of ancient Palestine + English ite : a native or inhabitant of the town of Shiloh in ancient Palestine …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 53shunammite — ˈshünəˌmīt noun ( s) Usage: capitalized Etymology: modification (influenced by ite) of Hebrew shūnammīth, from Shūnēm Shunem, town in ancient Palestine : a native or inhabitant of the town of Shunem north of Mt. Gilboa in ancient Palestine …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 54USHA — (Heb. אוּשָׁה). (1) Town in Lower Galilee mentioned in the annals of Sennacherib (a, 40). An ancient Hebrew seal found there attests to the existence of an Israelite settlement on the site in biblical times; one side reads Elzakar b. Yehoḥil and… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 55Oppidan — Op pi*dan, n. 1. An inhabitant of a town. [1913 Webster] 2. A student of Eton College, England, who is not a King s scholar, and who boards in a private family. [1913 Webster] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 56townie — or towny noun (plural townies) Date: 1852 townsman; especially a permanent inhabitant of a town as distinguished from a member of another group (as the academic community) …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 57burgher — burghership, n. /berr geuhr/, n. an inhabitant of a town, esp. a member of the middle class; citizen. [1560 70; < MD < MHG burger, equiv. to burg BOROUGH + er ER1] * * * …


  • 58martingale — /mahr tn gayl /, n. 1. Also called standing martingale. part of the tack or harness of a horse, consisting of a strap that fastens to the girth, passes between the forelegs and through a loop in the neckstrap or hame, and fastens to the noseband …


  • 59Shrines in Great Britain and Ireland —     Shrines of Our Lady and the Saints in Great Britain and Ireland     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Shrines of Our Lady and the Saints in Great Britain and Ireland     I. SANCTUARIES OF OUR LADY     A. Eng …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 60Dalton Collegians — The Dalton Collegians were a semi professional independent baseball team located in Dalton, Massachusetts. The team was founded in 1970 and coached by Michael T. Casey of Dalton, MA. In 1987, Mr. Casey became involved with an investor group who&#8230; …
