Inscription in the beginning of a book

  • 121epigraph — ep•i•graph [[t]ˈɛp ɪˌgræf[/t]] n. 1) an inscription, esp. on a building, statue, etc 2) lit. an apposite quotation at the beginning of a book, chapter, etc • Etymology: 1615–25; < Gk epigraphḗ inscription. See epi , graph …

    From formal English to slang

  • 122epigraph — [ep′ə graf΄] n. [Gr epigraphē, inscription < epigraphein: see EPIGRAM] 1. an inscription on a building, monument, etc. 2. a brief quotation placed at the beginning of a book, chapter, etc …

    English World dictionary

  • 123epigram — epigram, epigraph Both words come from the same Greek roots meaning ‘to write (or written) on’. Epigram is slightly earlier (16c) and has two principal meanings in current use, (1) a short poem with a witty or ingenious ending, and (2) a terse or …

    Modern English usage

  • 124epigraph — epigram, epigraph Both words come from the same Greek roots meaning ‘to write (or written) on’. Epigram is slightly earlier (16c) and has two principal meanings in current use, (1) a short poem with a witty or ingenious ending, and (2) a terse or …

    Modern English usage

  • 125epigram —  , epigraph  The first is a short, witty saying or poem. The second is an inscription, as on a monument or statue, or an introductory quotation at the beginning of a book or substantial block of text …

    Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

  • 126epigraph — ep·i·graph || epɪgrɑːf n. inscription (on a stone, building, etc.); saying or quotation at the beginning of a book or chapter which is relevant to the theme of the work …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 127epigraphs — ep·i·graph || epɪgrɑːf n. inscription (on a stone, building, etc.); saying or quotation at the beginning of a book or chapter which is relevant to the theme of the work …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 128epigraph — /ˈɛpigræf / (say epeegraf), / graf/ (say grahf), /ˈɛpə / (say epuh ) noun 1. an inscription, especially on a building, statue, or the like. 2. an apposite quotation at the beginning of a book, chapter, etc. {Greek epigraphē} …