Inscription in the beginning of a book

  • 81Peter the Apostle, Saint — orig. Simon died с AD 64, Rome Disciple of Jesus, recognized as the leader of the Twelve Apostles. Jesus called him Cephas (Aramaic for Rock ; rendered in Greek as Petros ) and said Upon this rock I will build my church (Matthew 16:18). When… …


  • 82Memory of the World Programme — Logo of the Memory of the World Programme UNESCO s Memory of the World Programme is an international initiative launched to safeguard the documentary heritage of humanity against collective amnesia, neglect, the ravages of time and climatic… …


  • 83College of the Holy Cross — Not to be confused with Holy Cross College. The College of the Holy Cross Latin: Collegium Sanctae Crucis Motto In Hoc Signo Vinces …


  • 84Christianity in the 3rd century — Funerary stele of Licinia Amias on marble. One of the most ancient Christian inscriptions found, it is from the early 3rd century Vatican necropolis area, Rome. Upper tier: dedication to the Dis Manibus and Christian motto in Greek letters ΙΧΘΥC… …


  • 85Church of the East — For other uses, see Church of the East (disambiguation). Nestorian Church redirects here. For other uses, see Nestorian (disambiguation). Nestorian priests in a procession on Palm Sunday, in a 7th or 8th century wall painting from a Nestorian… …


  • 86Thomas the Apostle — Saint Thomas the Apostle The Incredulity of St Thomas by Caravaggio Apostle Born 1st century AD …


  • 87Gospel Book (British Library Add. MS. 40618) — British Library, Add. MS 40618 is a late 8th century illuminated Irish Gospel Book with 10th century Anglo Saxon additions. The manuscript contains a portion of the Gospel of Matthew, the majority of the Gospel of Mark and the entirety of the… …


  • 88Thomas M'Crie the Elder — For his eldest son, of the same name, see Thomas M Crie the Younger.Thomas M Crie (November, 1772 August 5, 1835) was a Scottish historian, writer, and preacher born in the town of Dunse, Berwickshire in November 1772. He was the eldest of a… …


  • 89Christianity in the 8th century — Age of the Caliphs   Expansion under Muhammad, 622–632/A.H. 1 11 …


  • 90History of the Jews in Egypt — Egyptian Jews constitute perhaps the oldest Jewish community outside Israel in the world.Fact|date=October 2008 While no exact census exists, the Jewish population of Egypt was estimated at fewer than a hundred in 2004, [… …
