Off the scent

  • 1put someone off the scent — throw/put someone/off the scent phrase to do something to try to prevent someone from discovering the truth Detectives were thrown off the scent after evidence was destroyed. Thesaurus: to pretend something is not happening or is not the… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 2put (someone) off the scent — put/throw (someone) off the scent if you throw someone off the scent, you give them false or confusing information to try to stop them discovering something. The police were thrown off the scent for a while by false evidence given by two of the… …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 3throw (someone) off the scent — put/throw (someone) off the scent if you throw someone off the scent, you give them false or confusing information to try to stop them discovering something. The police were thrown off the scent for a while by false evidence given by two of the… …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 4throw someone off the scent — throw (someone) off the scent to give someone false or confusing information so that they will not discover something. The police were thrown off the scent for a while by two of the witnesses, who were found later to be lying. Etymology: based on …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 5throw off the scent — throw (someone) off the scent to give someone false or confusing information so that they will not discover something. The police were thrown off the scent for a while by two of the witnesses, who were found later to be lying. Etymology: based on …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 6throw off the scent — throw/put someone/off the scent phrase to do something to try to prevent someone from discovering the truth Detectives were thrown off the scent after evidence was destroyed. Thesaurus: to pretend something is not happening or is not the… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 7put somebody off the scent — put/throw sb off the ˈscent idiom to do sth to stop sb from finding you or discovering sth • She changed taxis to throw her pursuers off the scent. Main entry: ↑scentidiom …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 8throw somebody off the scent — put/throw sb off the ˈscent idiom to do sth to stop sb from finding you or discovering sth • She changed taxis to throw her pursuers off the scent. Main entry: ↑scentidiom …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 9someone off the scent — To mislead someone ● scent …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 10throw off the scent — {v. phr.} To mislead; confuse. * /The robbers went different ways hoping to throw the sheriff s men off the scent./ Syn.: THROW OFF(2) …

    Dictionary of American idioms