On the passage

  • 101The Primary Classical Language of the World — is a 1966 book by Devaneya Pavanar.In this book, Pavanar in the English language details his claim that Tamil is a superior and more divine language than Sanskrit. In his view the Tamil language originated in Lemuria ( ta. இலெமூரியா… …


  • 102The Old Gate — (Altpoertel) was the west city gate of Speyer. With a height of 55 meters it is one of the highest and most important city gates of Germany. It was first mentioned in documents in 1176. It was one of 68 wall and gate towers of the free imperial… …


  • 103The Life of Edward II of England — (German: de. Leben Eduards des Zweiten von England ), also known as Edward II , is an adaptation by the German modernist playwright Bertolt Brecht of the 16th century historical tragedy by Marlowe, The Troublesome Reign and Lamentable Death of… …


  • 104The Gold Vault of the FED of New York — The gold bullion in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York s vault is part of the monetary reserves of 36 foreign governments, central banks, and official international organizations around the world. It is stored in 122 separate compartments in… …


  • 105The Whitechapel Murders (1888-91) — were a series of eleven unsolved brutal murders of women committed in Whitechapel, in the East End of London between 3 April 1888 and 13 February 1891. At various points all of them have been ascribed to the notorious, but elusive, individual… …


  • 106The Casbah under French Colonization — The historic development of Algeria started early in the tenth century after being discovered by Arab Zirid Dynasty, and subsequently ruled by Arab dynasties till the sixteenth century. The seventeenth century saw the Algiers becoming independent …


  • 107The Adams Chronicles — was a multi Emmy award winning, thirteen episode special by PBS that aired in the mid 1970s to commemorate the Bicentennial. It chronicles the story of the Adams political family over a 150 year span, including John Adams (signer of the… …


  • 108The Riddles of Epsilon — is a Young Adult or teenage fantasy novel by the British author Christine Morton Shaw. It was first published in the USA by the Katherine Teegan imprint of Harper Collins puiblishers (April, 2005). It later appeared in the UK (October, 2005) and… …


  • 109The verse of purification — is part of the 33th verse of Surah al Ahzab of Qur an, which says Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying. cite quran|33|33|style = refAn alternative translation is …


  • 110The Pantanal Paraguayo — The Pantanal is the major system of humedales of the world cite web |url=http://news.mongabay.com/2006/0110 ci.html |title= Pantanal, the world s largest wetland, disappearing finds new report |accessdate=10 enero 2006|author=Rhett A. Butler… …
