Ottoman government

  • 71Parliament of the Ottoman Empire — The Parliament of the Ottoman Empire was the first attempt at representative democracy at the imperial level in the Ottoman Empire. It was composed of two houses, the lower Chamber of Deputies and the upper Committee of Leaders . It was first… …


  • 72Imperial Government (Ottoman Empire) — The Imperial Government of the Ottoman Empire was the government structure added to the Ottoman governing structure during the Second Constitutional Era. The Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) was in power between 1908 and 1918. In this period …


  • 73List of cities conquered by the Ottoman Empire — Military of the Ottoman Empire Army: Sipahi · Akıncı · Timariot  …


  • 74Capitulations of the Ottoman Empire — were contracts between the Ottoman Empire and European powers, particularly France. Turkish capitulations, or ahdnames, were generally bilateral acts whereby definite arrangements were entered into by each contracting party towards the other, not …


  • 75Chamber of Deputies of the Ottoman Empire — The Chamber of Deputies of the Ottoman Empire (Turkish: Meclis i Mebusan) was the lower house of the Parliament of the Ottoman Empire. First Constitutional Era In the First Constitutional Era, which only lasted for two years, the initial… …


  • 76Lifestyle of the Ottoman Empire — Social structure of the Ottoman Empire Millets: (Jews · Armenians · Greeks) …


  • 77History of Ottoman Libya — By the beginning of the 15th century the Libyan coast had minimal central authority and its harbours were havens for unchecked bands of pirates. Hapsburg Spain occupied Tripoli in 1510, but the Spaniards were more concerned with controlling the… …


  • 78Rise of the Ottoman Empire — History of the Ottoman Empire This article is part of a series Foundation (1299–1402) …


  • 79Outline of the Ottoman Empire — See also: Index of Ottoman Empire related articles The Ottoman Empire (1299–1922) is a historical Muslim empire, also known by its contemporaries as the Turkish Empire or Turkey after the principal ethnic group [1]. At its zenith in the second… …


  • 80Empire ottoman — Sublime Porte Ottomane دولتِ عَليه عُثمانيه Devlet i Âliye i Osmâniyye 1299 – 1922 …

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