Place at interest

  • 1Place of Interest Sign — ⌘ Das Symbol ⌘ wird im deutschen Johannskreuz oder Tristramsknoten genannt, und ist umgangssprachlich unter anderem als Propeller, Kleeblatt oder auch Blumenkohl bekannt, der englische Name ist Saint John s Arms oder true lovers’ knot. Es steht… …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 2interest on lawyers trust account — A system in which lawyers place certain client deposits in interest bearing accounts, with the interest then used to fund programs, such as legal service organizations who provide services to clients in need. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia… …

    Law dictionary

  • 3interest — INTEREST. s. m. Ce qui importe, ce qui convient en quelque maniere que ce soit, ou à l honneur, ou à l utilité, ou à la satisfaction de quelqu un. Interest public, general, commun. interest de famille. interest particulier. interest d honneur.… …

    Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • 4Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts — (IOLTA) is a type of program in which interest earned from money held in a lawyer trust accounts is aggregated and required to paid to another state agency, subsidizing legal services for those who cannot afford them.HistoryThe practice is that a …


  • 5interest arbitrage — UK US noun [U] (also interest rate arbitrage) FINANCE ► a method of making a profit by buying currency in one place and selling it in another place, making use of the difference in interest rates in the two places: »A tax on international… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 6interest-rate risk — interest rate exposure The risk arising from changes in interest rates. In recent decades the different forms of interest rate risk have been the subject of much analysis, monitoring, and scrutiny. In the 1980s, for example, the savings and loan… …

    Accounting dictionary

  • 7interest-rate risk — interest rate exposure The risk arising from changes in interest rates. In recent decades the different forms of interest rate risk have been the subject of much analysis, monitoring, and scrutiny. In the 1980s, for example, the savings and loan… …

    Big dictionary of business and management

  • 8Place — Place, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Placed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Placing}.] [Cf. F. placer. See {Place}, n.] 1. To assign a place to; to put in a particular spot or place, or in a certain relative position; to direct to a particular place; to fix; to… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 9Place Madou Halldis Apartment — (Брюссель,Бельгия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Place Madou, Сен Жосс тен …

    Каталог отелей

  • 10Interest rate — Finance Financial markets Bond market …
