Prescribed form

  • 61List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 2005 — This is an incomplete list of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom in 2005. NOTOC 1 100101 200201 300301 400401 500501 600601 700701 800801 900901 10001001 11001101 12001201 13001301 14001401 15001501 1600* Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety)… …


  • 62Upasana — Uapasana in Sanskrit literally means Sitting near but normally the term is used in Hinduism to denote a prescribed method for approaching a Deity or God or getting close to a deity(s). In Vedas some Upasanas are prescribed where one meditates on… …


  • 63statement of financial affairs — A detailed set of questions in a prescribed form which must be filed by the debtor in each bankruptcy case. also see schedules of assets and liabilities (Bernstein s Dictionary of Bankruptcy Terminology) A series of questions the debtor must… …

    Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • 64ritual — Synonyms and related words: High Church, Sefer Torah, Torah, Torah scroll, Virginal, amenities, automatic, baccalaureate service, baptismal, bon ton, breviary, buckram, canon, celebration, ceremonial, ceremonies, ceremonious, ceremoniousness,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 65standard — Synonyms and related words: Christian, Dannebrog, Jolly Roger, Old Glory, Procrustean law, Samson post, Star Spangled Banner, Stars and Stripes, Ten Commandments, Union Flag, Union Jack, Zeitgeist, accepted, accustomed, acid test, alike, amount,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 66ceremony — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. ritual, formality, punctilio, protocol; form, observance, rite, sacrament, function. See ostentation. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A public event] Syn. function, commemoration, services; see celebration 1 …

    English dictionary for students

  • 67Poetry — This article is about the art form. For other uses, see Poetry (disambiguation). Literature Major forms Novel · Poem · Drama Short story · Novella …


  • 68Informalities — Informality In for*mal i*ty, n.; pl. {Informalities}. 1. The state of being informal; lack of regular, prescribed, or customary form; as, the informality of legal proceedings. [1913 Webster] 2. An informal, unconventional, or unofficial act or… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 69Informality — In for*mal i*ty, n.; pl. {Informalities}. 1. The state of being informal; lack of regular, prescribed, or customary form; as, the informality of legal proceedings. [1913 Webster] 2. An informal, unconventional, or unofficial act or proceeding;… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 70List of Statutory Instruments of the Welsh Assembly, 2000 — This is an incomplete list of Statutory Instruments of the Welsh Assembly made in 2000. Statutory Instruments made by the Assembly are numbered in the main United Kingdom series with their own sub series. The Welsh language has official equal… …
