September 29

  • 111September 3, 2003 — September 3, 2003= * Occupation of Iraq : Poland assumes a position in postwar Iraq. The coalition in Iraq hands over the south central part of the country to a force led by Poland. The force of Polish troops leads a multinational peacekeeping… …


  • 112September 4, 2003 — September 4, 2003= *North Korea announces re election of dictator Kim Jong il as chairman of the National Defense Commission by a unanimous vote of the Supreme People s Assembly, a move dismissed as a propaganda stunt by Western observers, who… …


  • 113September 5, 2003 — September 5, 2003= *Hong Kong s leader Tung Chee hwa announces that he will indefinitely postpone plans for an extremely unpopular security bill which sparked massive public protests and would have granted the government broad powers to prosecute …


  • 114September 6, 2003 — September 6, 2003= *Johns Hopkins researchers retract all results of a frequently cited study which claimed that extensive and permanent brain damage occurred after just a single dose of Ecstasy. Due to a labelling mistake on the experimental… …


  • 115September 7, 2003 — September 7, 2003= TUPAC is Resurrected * Israeli Palestinian conflict: Israel s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declares that Hamas leaders are marked for death and won t have a moment s rest, after Israel failed in an attempt to kill the top… …


  • 116September 8, 2003 — September 8, 2003= * Occupation of Iraq : Declaring Iraq to be the central front in the war against terrorism, President Bush asks Congress for $87 billion to help pay for the reconstruction of Iraq as well as Afghanistan.… …


  • 117September 9, 2003 — September 9, 2003= *Governor of Indiana, USA Frank O Bannon is in a coma following an operation after the Governor suffered a stroke in a hotel room in Chicago, Illinois. Lieutenant Governor Joe Kernan took over as acting Governor.… …


  • 118September 12, 2003 — September 12, 2003= * Israeli Palestinian conflict: Arab and Non Aligned nations call on the United Nations Security Council to stop Israel carrying out its threat to expel the head of the Palestinian Authority, Yasser Arafat, from the West Bank …


  • 119September 13, 2003 — September 13, 2003= * A typhoon hits South Korea, reportedly killing 42 people and leaving 24 missing. * The day many people believed Tupac Shakur was going to come out of hiding from what they believed to be a fake death …


  • 120September 14, 2003 — September 14, 2003= * EU enlargement : Swedish voters reject the Euro in a popular referendum. [,2789,360696,00.html] * Revolution: A military coup d état is reported in Guinea Bissau.… …
