1Christmas at the Ragdoll Orphanage , Suzanne Lambert (2013)
You can discover Suzanne Lambert's magical true story of love and motherhood in Christmas at the Ragdoll Orphanage. When Suzanne was left, two weeks old, at the door of Nazareth House orphanage, she… 839 руб2Br&# 252;cke (2016)
In the German city of Dresden on June 7, 1905, the foundation of the Die Br&# 252;cke artists’ group (1905–1913) is widely regarded as the birth of Expressionism. Led by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner… 1008 руб3Aggregation-Induced Emission. Applications , Anjun Qin
Aggregation-Induced Emission (AIE) is a novel photophysical phenomenon which offers a new platform APPLICATIONS for researchers to look into the light-emitting processes from luminogen aggregates… 13126.82 руб электронная книга4Liquid Phase Oxidation via Heterogeneous Catalysis. Organic Synthesis and Industrial Applications , Mario Clerici G.
Sets the stage for environmentally friendly industrial organic syntheses From basic principles to new and emerging industrial applications, this book offers comprehensive coverage of heterogeneous… 12355.38 руб электронная книга5Alkynes in Cycloadditions , John Tebby C.
Acetylene systems present a new route to cyclic compounds as an alternative to more traditional methods employed in classical organic chemistry. The synthesis of cyclic structures based on acetylene… 15134.89 руб электронная книга