1Empress Maria Feodorovna'Favorite Residences in Russia and in Denmark , Корнева Галина, Чебоксарова Татьяна (2010)
"Thirty-two of the unparalleled fifty-two Easter eggs created by Carl Faberge were gifts for Empress Maria Feodorovna. Even his royal clients didn't know what he had created for them until the day… 2139 руб2Empress Maria Feodorovna' Favorite Residences in Russia and in Denmark , Галина Корнева, Татьяна Чебоксарова (2010)
`Thirty-two of the unparalleled fifty-two Easter eggs created by Carl Faberge were gifts for Empress Maria Feodorovna. Even his royal clients didn`t know what he had created for them until the day… 1023 грн (только Украина)3On Cats , Bukowski C. (2016)
'A cat is only ITSELF, representative of the strong forces of life that won't let go'For Charles Bukowski there was something majestic and elemental about cats. He considered them to be sentient… 1038 руб4On Cats (изд. 2016 г. ) , Bukowski C. (2016)
`A cat is only ITSELF, representative of the strong forces of life that won`t let go`For Charles Bukowski there was something majestic and elemental about cats. He considered them to be sentient… 1343 грн (только Украина)