
  • 131caddish — adj ungentlemanly, unmannerly, ill mannered, impolite, uncivil, uncouth, rude; ill bred, lowbred, underbred; unrefined, coarse, raw, crude; base, vulgar, despicable, ignoble, contemptuous; obnoxious, obtrusive, presumptuous, presuming; jilting,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 132caustic — adj 1. acrimonious, mordant, bitter, acrid, pungent; trenchant, cutting, incisive, slashing, penetrating, piercing, stinging, nipping, biting; astringent, severe, stern, austere, stringent; harsh, keen, sharp, sharp tongued; sour, acidulous, acid …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder