all at once

  • 31once — [[t]wʌ̱ns[/t]] ♦ 1) ADV: ADV with v If something happens once, it happens one time only. I met Wilma once, briefly... Since that evening I haven t once slept through the night... Mary had only been to Manchester once before. PRON: the/this PRON… …

    English dictionary

  • 32once — 1 /wVns/ adverb 1 ONE TIME on one occasion: I ve only met her once. | once before: Paul s been to Wexford once before. 2 once a week/year etc one time every week etc as a regular activity: We do aerobics once a week. 3 at once a) immediately or… …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • 33once — /wuns/, adv. 1. at one time in the past; formerly: I was a farmer once; a once powerful nation. 2. a single time: We ate there just once. We go to a movie once a week. 3. even a single time; at any time; ever: If the facts once become known, it… …


  • 34once*/*/*/ — [wʌns] grammar word summary: Once can be: ■ an adverb: I only met him once. ■ a conjunction: Once you get there, you ll love it. ■ a noun: For once I wish you d tell me the truth. ♦ Yes, I met him, but just the once. 1) on one occasion only Cathy …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 35once — adv., conj., & n. adv. 1 on one occasion or for one time only (did not once say please; have read it once). 2 at some point or period in the past (could once play chess). 3 ever or at all (if you once forget it). 4 multiplied by one; by one… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 36once — adverb 1》 on one occasion or for one time only.     ↘[usu. with negative] at all; on even one occasion. 2》 formerly. 3》 multiplied by one. conjunction as soon as; when. Phrases all at once 1》 suddenly. 2》 all at the same time. at once 1》… …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 37all — /awl/, adj. 1. the whole of (used in referring to quantity, extent, or duration): all the cake; all the way; all year. 2. the whole number of (used in referring to individuals or particulars, taken collectively): all students. 3. the greatest… …


  • 38once */*/*/ — UK [wʌns] / US adverb, conjunction, noun Summary: Once can be used in the following ways: as an adverb: I only met him once. ♦ They ve been here once before. as a conjunction: Once you get there, you ll love it. as a noun (after for or at ): For… …

    English dictionary

  • 39all — 1 determiner /O:l/ determiner, predeterminer 1 the complete amount or quantity of; the whole of: I ve got all day tomorrow to do it. | He had worked all his life in the mine. | Have you done all your homework? | She didn t say a single word all… …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • 40once — 1. adverb 1) I spoke to him only once Syn: on one occasion, one time, one single time Ant: twice, many times, often 2) he did not once help Syn: ever, at any time …

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