arise from

  • 101endocrine system, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction  group of ductless glands (gland) that regulate body processes by secreting chemical substances called hormones (hormone). Hormones act on nearby tissues or are carried in the bloodstream to act on specific target organs… …


  • 102Canonical Impediments —     Canonical Impediments     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Canonical Impediments     I. GENERAL NOTION OF AN IMPEDIMENT     The Latin word impedimentum signifies directly whatever embarrasses or hinders a person, whatever is an obstacle to his… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 103Critique of Pure Reason — Part of a series on Immanuel …


  • 104branch — An offshoot; in anatomy, one of the primary divisions of a nerve or blood vessel. A b.. See ramus, artery, nerve, vein. SYN: ramus (1) [TA]. accessory meningeal b. SYN: pterygomeningeal artery …

    Medical dictionary

  • 105Neural oscillation — is rhythmic or repetitive neural activity in the central nervous system. Neural tissue can generate oscillatory activity in many ways, driven either by mechanisms localized within individual neurons or by interactions between neurons. In… …


  • 106Fiber — The parts of plants that cannot be digested, namely complex carbohydrates. Also known as bulk or roughage. Complex carbohydrates from plants are rich in starch and fiber. Examples of plants that provide complex carbohydrates (fiber) are fresh… …

    Medical dictionary

  • 107epistemology — epistemological /i pis teuh meuh loj i keuhl/, adj. epistemologically, adv. epistemologist, n. /i pis teuh mol euh jee/, n. a branch of philosophy that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge. [1855 60; < Gk&#8230; …


  • 108heredity — /heuh red i tee/, n., pl. heredities. Biol. 1. the transmission of genetic characters from parents to offspring: it is dependent upon the segregation and recombination of genes during meiosis and fertilization and results in the genesis of a new&#8230; …


  • 109mental disorder — Any illness with a psychological origin, manifested either in symptoms of emotional distress or in abnormal behaviour. Most mental disorders can be broadly classified as either psychoses or neuroses (see neurosis; psychosis). Psychoses (e.g.,&#8230; …


  • 110nervous system disease — Introduction       any of the diseases or disorders that affect the functioning of the human nervous system (nervous system, human). Everything that humans sense, consider, and effect and all the unlearned reflexes of the body depend on the&#8230; …
