be derived from
1derived from — index dependent Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
2derived from experience — index empirical Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
3derived from within — index innate, organic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
4derived from without — index extraneous, extrinsic Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
5List of words derived from toponyms — This is a list of words derived from toponyms, followed by the place name it is derived from. General * Alberta clipper mdash; a weather phenomenon named after the Canadian province of Alberta where it originates… …
6List of sports team names and mascots derived from indigenous peoples — The following is a list of sports team names and mascots derived from indigenous peoples, including generically used terms, those named after specific peoples, and words or iconography derived from indigenous languages or traditions. Also see,… …
7Genealogy of scripts derived from Proto-Sinaitic — Nearly all the segmental scripts (loosely alphabets , but see below for more precise terminology) used around the globe appear to have derived from the Proto Sinaitic alphabet. These include the Latin alphabet mdash; forms of which are used today …
8English language idioms derived from baseball — B = * ballpark: in the ballpark, ballpark figure, and out of the ballpark mdash; Ballpark has been used to mean a broad area of approximation or similarity, or a range within which comparison is possible; this usage OED dates to 1960. Another… …
9(be) derived from something — deˈrive from sth | be deˈrived from sth derived to come or develop from sth • The word ‘politics’ is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘city’. Main entry: ↑derivederived …
10List of company and product names derived from indigenous peoples — The following is a list of company or product names derived from Indigenous peoples, excluding geographic names.Companies* Indian Motorcycle Manufacturing Company * Geronimo * Mohawk Airlines * Mohawk Gasoline * Niagara Mohawk Power Company, now… …