be inflated or distended

  • 61blown-up enlarged — expanded expanded adj. increased in extent or size or bulk or scope. Opposite of {contracted}. [Narrower terms: {blown up, enlarged}; {dilated}; {distended, swollen}; {inflated}] [WordNet 1.5] 2. (Printnig) wider than usual for a particular… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 62dilated — expanded expanded adj. increased in extent or size or bulk or scope. Opposite of {contracted}. [Narrower terms: {blown up, enlarged}; {dilated}; {distended, swollen}; {inflated}] [WordNet 1.5] 2. (Printnig) wider than usual for a particular… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 63expanded — adj. increased in extent or size or bulk or scope. Opposite of {contracted}. [Narrower terms: {blown up, enlarged}; {dilated}; {distended, swollen}; {inflated}] [WordNet 1.5] 2. (Printnig) wider than usual for a particular height; of printers… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 64Tumid — Tu mid, a. [L. tumidus, fr. tumere to swell; cf. Skr. tumra strong, fat. Cf. {Thumb}.] 1. Swelled, enlarged, or distended; as, a tumid leg; tumid flesh. [1913 Webster] 2. Rising above the level; protuberant. [1913 Webster] So high as heaved the… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 65Tumidly — Tumid Tu mid, a. [L. tumidus, fr. tumere to swell; cf. Skr. tumra strong, fat. Cf. {Thumb}.] 1. Swelled, enlarged, or distended; as, a tumid leg; tumid flesh. [1913 Webster] 2. Rising above the level; protuberant. [1913 Webster] So high as heaved …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 66Tumidness — Tumid Tu mid, a. [L. tumidus, fr. tumere to swell; cf. Skr. tumra strong, fat. Cf. {Thumb}.] 1. Swelled, enlarged, or distended; as, a tumid leg; tumid flesh. [1913 Webster] 2. Rising above the level; protuberant. [1913 Webster] So high as heaved …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 67Turgid — Tur gid, a. [L. turgidus, from turgere to swell.] 1. Distended beyond the natural state by some internal agent or expansive force; swelled; swollen; bloated; inflated; tumid; especially applied to an enlarged part of the body; as, a turgid limb;… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 68Turgidly — Turgid Tur gid, a. [L. turgidus, from turgere to swell.] 1. Distended beyond the natural state by some internal agent or expansive force; swelled; swollen; bloated; inflated; tumid; especially applied to an enlarged part of the body; as, a turgid …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 69Turgidness — Turgid Tur gid, a. [L. turgidus, from turgere to swell.] 1. Distended beyond the natural state by some internal agent or expansive force; swelled; swollen; bloated; inflated; tumid; especially applied to an enlarged part of the body; as, a turgid …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 70expand — verb Etymology: Middle English expaunden, from Latin expandere, from ex + pandere to spread more at fathom Date: 15th century transitive verb 1. to open up ; unfold 2. to increase the extent, number, volume, or scope of ; enlarge …

    New Collegiate Dictionary