become granular

  • 21layer — A sheet of one substance lying on another and distinguished from it by a difference in texture or color or by not being continuous with it. SEE ALSO: stratum, lamina. SYN: panniculus. ameloblastic l. the internal l. of the enamel organ. SYN: enam …

    Medical dictionary

  • 22Discrete element method — A discrete element method (DEM), also called a distinct element method is any of family of numerical methods for computing the motion of a large number of particles of micrometre scale size and above. Though DEM is very closely related to… …


  • 23Alpine skiing — Alpine ski slope Highest governing body International Ski Federation Nickname(s) Downhill Sliding First played 1861, Kiandra, Aus …


  • 24Africa — /af ri keuh/, n. 1. a continent S of Europe and between the Atlantic and Indian oceans. 551,000,000; ab. 11,700,000 sq. mi. (30,303,000 sq. km). adj. 2. African. * * * I Second largest continent on Earth. It is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea,… …


  • 25Convection — This figure shows a calculation for thermal convection in the Earth s mantle. Colors closer to red are hot areas and colors closer to blue are cold areas. A hot, less dense lower boundary layer sends plumes of hot material upwards, and likewise,… …


  • 26dolomite — dolomitic /dol euh mit ik/, adj. /doh leuh muyt , dol euh /, n. 1. a very common mineral, calcium magnesium carbonate, CaMg(CO3)2, occurring in crystals and in masses. 2. a rock consisting essentially or largely of this mineral. [1785 95; < F,&#8230; …


  • 27sea ice — Ice formed from frozen seawater in polar regions. Most sea ice occurs as pack ice, which drifts across the ocean surface; other types of sea ice include fast ice, which is attached to coasts and sometimes the seafloor or between grounded icebergs …


  • 28Activated carbon — Activated carbon, also called activated charcoal, activated coal or carbo activatus, is a form of carbon that has been processed to make it extremely porous and thus to have a very large surface area available for adsorption or chemical reactions …


  • 29nervous system, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction       system that conducts stimuli from sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord and that conducts impulses back to other parts of the body. As with other higher vertebrates, the human nervous system has two main&#8230; …


  • 30Snow — Snowfall redirects here. For other uses, see Snow (disambiguation) or Snowfall (disambiguation). Snow is a type of precipitation in the form of crystalline water ice, consisting of a multitude of snowflakes that fall from clouds. The process of&#8230; …
