become granular

  • 81Luther, Martin — • Leader of the great religious revolt of the sixteenth century in Germany; born at Eisleben, 10 November, 1483; died at Eisleben, 18 February, 1546 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Luther, Martin      …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 82Luther —     Martin Luther     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Martin Luther     Leader of the great religious revolt of the sixteenth century in Germany; born at Eisleben, 10 November, 1483; died at Eisleben, 18 February, 1546.     His father, Hans, was a… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 83Martin Luther —     Martin Luther     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Martin Luther     Leader of the great religious revolt of the sixteenth century in Germany; born at Eisleben, 10 November, 1483; died at Eisleben, 18 February, 1546.     His father, Hans, was a… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 84Sucrose — Sucrose …


  • 85mosaic — mosaically, adv. /moh zay ik/, n., adj., v., mosaicked, mosaicking. n. 1. a picture or decoration made of small, usually colored pieces of inlaid stone, glass, etc. 2. the process of producing such a picture or decoration. 3. something resembling …


  • 86Mosaic — /moh zay ik/, adj. of or pertaining to Moses or the writings, laws, and principles attributed to him: Mosaic ethics. Also, Mosaical. [1655 65; < NL Mosaicus, equiv. to LL Mos(es) MOSES + aicus, on the model of Hebraicus Hebraic] * * * Surface&#8230; …


  • 87rare-earth element — /rair errth /, Chem. any of a group of closely related metallic elements, comprising the lanthanides, scandium, and yttrium, that are chemically similar by virtue of having the same number of valence electrons. Also called rare earth metal. [1955 …


  • 88Portal:Food/Selected article — These are the articles that are featured on the Food portal main page. If you wish to add an article, you will be expected to make a good faith effort to address objections that are raised. Consensus must be reached for an article to be promoted&#8230; …


  • 89Leprosy — For the Hebrew Bible term and its varied meanings, see Tzaraath. For other uses, see Leprosy (disambiguation). Leprosy Classification and external resources A 24 year old man infected with leprosy. ICD 10 …


  • 90Sea snake — Taxobox name = Sea snake image caption = Yellow bellied sea snake, Pelamis platurus regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata subphylum = Vertebrata classis = Reptilia ordo = Squamata subordo = Serpentes familia = Elapidae familia authority = Boie,&#8230; …
