beyond the limits of our world or system

  • 11The Law of Conservation of Energy —     The Law of Conservation of Energy     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Law of Conservation of Energy     Amongst the gravest objections raised by the progress of modern science against Theism, the possibility of Miracles, free will, the… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 12The Sacrament of Penance —     The Sacrament of Penance     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Sacrament of Penance     Penance is a sacrament of the New Law instituted by Christ in which forgiveness of sins committed after baptism is granted through the priest s absolution to… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 13The Pope —     The Pope     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Pope     (Ecclesiastical Latin papa from Greek papas, a variant of pappas father, in classical Latin pappas Juvenal, Satires 6:633).     The title pope, once used with far greater latitude (see below …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 14The Diamond Age —   …


  • 15The Grammar of Science — is a book by Karl Pearson first published at London by Walter Scott in 1892. It was recommended by Einstein to his friends of the Olympia Academy. Several themes were covered in this book that later became part of the theories of Einstein and… …


  • 16The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception — or Mystic Christianity is a Rosicrucian text, written by Max Heindel (ISBN 0 911274 34 0) Western Wisdom Teachings The first edition was printed in November 1909, it has little changed since then and it is considered to be Max Heindel s magnum… …


  • 17The Cantos — by Ezra Pound is a long, incomplete poem in 120 sections, each of which is a canto . Most of it was written between 1915 and 1962, although much of the early work was abandoned and the early cantos, as finally published, date from 1922 onwards.… …


  • 18The Nature of Rationality — is an exploration of practical rationality written by Robert Nozick and published in 1993. It views human rationality as an evolutionary adaptation. Its delimited purpose and function may be responsible for biases and blind spots, possibly… …


  • 19The Byzantine Empire —     The Byzantine Empire     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Byzantine Empire     The ancient Roman Empire having been divided into two parts, an Eastern and a Western, the Eastern remained subject to successors of Constantine, whose capital was at …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 20The Autobiography of Malcolm X — The Autobiography of Malcolm X   First edition …
