by a slip

  • 71Slip — der; s, s <aus engl. slip »leicht überzuziehendes Kleidungsstück« zu to slip »gleiten, schlüpfen«>: 1. Unterschied zwischen dem tatsächlich zurückgelegten Weg eines durch Propeller angetriebenen Flugzeugs, Schiffes u. dem aus der… …

    Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • 72slip\ a\ cog — • slip a cog • slip a gear v. phr. slang To make a mistake. I must have been slipping a cog when I said that I would run for mayor. Jim hates to sleep outdoors. He s slipping his gears if he s promised to take the boys camping. Compare: slip up …

    Словарь американских идиом

  • 73slip\ a\ gear — • slip a cog • slip a gear v. phr. slang To make a mistake. I must have been slipping a cog when I said that I would run for mayor. Jim hates to sleep outdoors. He s slipping his gears if he s promised to take the boys camping. Compare: slip up …

    Словарь американских идиом

  • 74slip-on — [slip′än΄] adj. easily put on or taken off, as shoes without laces, or a garment to be slipped on or off over the head n. a slip on shoe or garment …

    English World dictionary

  • 75slip-carriage — slipˈ carriage or slip coach noun A railway carriage that can be left behind without stopping the train • • • Main Entry: ↑slip …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 76slip-coach — slipˈ carriage or slip coach noun A railway carriage that can be left behind without stopping the train • • • Main Entry: ↑slip …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 77slip-over — slipˈ on or slipˈ over adjective 1. Slipped on or over 2. (of a garment) slipped easily over the head without unbuttoning noun 1. A garment easily slipped on 2. A garment slipped over the head • • • Main Entry: ↑slip …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 78slip dress — UK US noun [countable] [singular slip dress plural slip dresses] a dress made of a light thin cloth such as silk with no sleeves and narrow pieces of cloth going over the shoulders Thesaurus: skirts and dresseshyponym …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 79slip your memory — slip your mind/memory/ phrase if something slips your mind memory , you forget to do it How could she have let something so important slip her mind? Thesaurus: to forget, or to try to forgetsynonym Main entry: slip …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 80slip|o|ver — «SLIHP OH vuhr», adjective, noun. –adj. designed to be slipped on over the head: »a slipover sweater. –n. = slip on. (Cf. ↑slip on) …

    Useful english dictionary