cause to conceive

  • 11impregnate — 1. To fecundate; to cause to conceive. 2. To diffuse or permeate with another substance. SEE ALSO: saturate. [L. im , in, + praegnans, with child] * * * im·preg·nate im preg .nāt, im . vt, nat·ed; nat·ing 1 a) to make pregnant …

    Medical dictionary

  • 12effect — [n1] result aftereffect, aftermath, backlash, backwash, can of worms*, causatum, chain reaction*, conclusion, consequence, corollary, denouement, development, end, end product, event, eventuality, fallout, flak*, follow through, follow up, fruit …

    New thesaurus

  • 13make — [v1] create, build accomplish, adjust, arrange, assemble, beget, brew, bring about, cause, compose, conceive, constitute, construct, cook, cook up*, dash off*, draw on, dream up, effect, engender, fabricate, fashion, forge, form, frame, generate …

    New thesaurus

  • 14impregnation — n. [L. impraegnare, to cause to conceive] To make pregnant; the introduction of sperm cells; fecundate …

    Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • 15bring into existence — index cause, compose, conceive (invent), engender, establish (launch), fabricate (construct …

    Law dictionary

  • 16start — I noun beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, derivation, embarkation, emergence, evolution, exordium, first step, foundation, genesis, inauguration, inception, inchoation, incipience, incipiency, infancy, initiation, initium, onset, opening,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 17beget — Synonyms and related words: author, be fruitful, be productive, bear, birth, breed, breed true, bring about, bring forth, bring into being, bring to birth, bring to effect, bring to pass, call into being, cause, coin, conceive, concoct, contrive …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 18bring forth — Synonyms and related words: affect, arouse, author, bear, bear fruit, beget, betoken, birth, born, brandish, breathe, breed, bring about, bring forward, bring into being, bring into view, bring out, bring to effect, bring to light, bring to… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 19engender — Synonyms and related words: arouse, author, be fruitful, be productive, bear, beget, birth, breed, breed true, bring about, bring forth, bring into being, bring to birth, bring to effect, bring to pass, call into being, cause, coin, conceive,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 20sire — Synonyms and related words: Esquire, Master, Mister, Sir, abba, agent, ancestors, apprentice, architect, artificer, artist, author, bear, beget, begetter, beginner, birth, breed, breed true, bring about, bring forth, bring to birth, bring to… …

    Moby Thesaurus