
  • 41bear — I v 1.(all of animals) give birth, bring forth, lay, drop; litter, hatch, spawn, cast; foal, lamb, calve, whelp, pup, kitten. 2. produce, yield, give forth, blossom, flower, bear fruit, fructify; breed, conceive, beget, engender, germinate,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 42boor — n 1. churl, curmudgeon, brute, barbarian, yahoo, Inf. goop, Chiefly Scot. tyke, Brit. Sl. mucker; lout, oaf, dolt, clod, clodhopper, clodpoll or clodpole or clodpate, gawk, looby, lubber, ox, clown, slouch, Chiefly Scot. cuddy, Inf. lummox, Sl.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 43bumpkin — n rustic, peasant, provincial, country cousin, countryman; yokel, country bumpkin, hawbuck, hobnail, Dial. lumpkin, Often Disparaging. hillbilly, Disparaging. bogtrotter, Inf. chawbacon, Inf. cider squeezer, Sl. hick, Sl. rube, Sl. hayseed, Sl.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 44churl — n 1. rustic, peasant, provincial, country cousin, countryman, hobnail; farmer, plowman, plow boy, chuff, swain, gaffer, kern, son or tiller of the soil, (in Egypt) fellah, (in Russia) muszhik or moujik, (in Spanish America and Southwestern U.S.)… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 45gawk — n 1. clod, clodhopper, clodpoll, boor, churl, looby, lubber, lout, Chiefly Scot. cuddy, Inf. lummox, Inf. goop, Sl. klutz, Sl. galoot, Sl. lug, Brit. Sl. joskin; bungler, bumbler, fumbler, botcher, blunderer, Inf. stumblebum, Inf. duffer. v 2.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 46lout — n dolt, oaf, clod, clodhopper, clodpoll, clod pate, gawk, looby, lubber, ox, clown, slouch, Chiefly Scot. cuddy, Inf. lummox, Sl. klutz, Sl. galoot, Sl. lug, Chiefly Brit. Sl. joskin; bungler, bumbler, fumbler, botcher, blunderer, boggier, Inf.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 47lubber — n 1. lout, dolt, oaf, clod, clodhopper, clodpoll or clodpate, gawk, looby, ox, clown, slouch, Chiefly Scot. cuddy, Inf. lummox, Sl. klutz, Sl. galoot, Sl. lug, Chiefly Brit. Sl. joskin; bungler, humbler, fumbler, botcher, blunderer, boggier, Inf …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 48oaf — n 1. dunce, dolt, dullard, blockhead, dunderhead, dunderpate, clodpate, loggerhead, thickhead, fathead, numskull, bonehead, Inf. knucklehead, Inf. deadhead, Sl. lunkhead, Sl. meathead, Sl. meatball, Sl. lardhead, Sl. dummkopf, Sl. stupidhead, Sl …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 49ox — n 1. bullock, steer; longhorn, shorthorn, zebu, bison, buffalo, water buffalo. 2. lout, dolt, oaf, clod, clodhopper, clodpoll or clod pole or clodpate; gawk, looby, lubber, clown, slouch, Chiefly Scot. cuddy, Inf. lummox, Sl. klutz, Sl. galoot,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 50dunce —    This word is now associated with a child who finds it difficult to learn anything new. Other children might call a dunce: a block head, a clodpoll, dim wit, dull dick, dullard, dunderpate, numbskull, chump, peabrain, or putty brain, depending… …

    A dictionary of epithets and terms of address