close correspondence

  • 11Close harmony — Harmony Har mo*ny (h[aum]r m[ o]*n[y^]), n.; pl. {Harmonies} ( n[i^]z). [F. harmonie, L. harmonia, Gr. armoni a joint, proportion, concord, fr. armo s a fitting or joining. See {Article}.] 1. The just adaptation of parts to each other, in any… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 12correspondence — noun 1》 the action of corresponding.     ↘a close similarity or equivalence. 2》 letters sent or received …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 13Curry–Howard correspondence — A proof written as a functional program: the proof of commutativity of addition on natural numbers in the proof assistant Coq. nat ind stands for mathematical induction, eq ind for substitution of equals and f equal for taking the same function… …


  • 14Khazar Correspondence — The Khazar Correspondence was an exchange of letters in the 950s or 960s between Hasdai ibn Shaprut, foreign secretary to the Caliph of Cordoba, and Joseph, Khagan of the Khazars. It is one of the few documents known to have been authored by a… …


  • 15P.'s Correspondence — is a 1845 short story by the 19th century American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne, constituting a pioneering work of alternate history. Some consider it the very first such work in the English language (depending on whether or not Benjamin Disraeli s …


  • 16Complimentary close — Complimentary close, or Complimentary closing is the term, expression, or phrase which immediately precedes the signature on a note, letter, or correspondence, most often written. The word or words so written express the esteem or regard for the… …


  • 17Maxwell Henry Close — Born 1822 Dublin, Ireland …


  • 18International Jewish Correspondence (IJC) — was founded in Montreal by Barry Simon (a high school teacher) and sponsored by the Canadian Jewish Congress. The objective of IJC was to link Jews from wherever they lived with pen pals in other parts of the world. History IJC was founded in… …


  • 19rules of correspondence — A major problem for empirical researchers is the nature of the connection between the language of theory and the language of observation. Rules of correspondence is a term sometimes applied to the means, criteria, and assumptions underlying… …

    Dictionary of sociology

  • 20Mandelbrot set — Initial image of a Mandelbrot set zoom sequence with a continuously coloured environment …
