dissuasive advice
1Dissuasive — Dis*sua sive, a. Tending to dissuade or divert from a measure or purpose; dehortatory; as, dissuasive advice. n. A dissuasive argument or counsel; dissuasion; dehortation. Prynne. {Dis*sua sive*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] …
2dissuasive — adjective deterring from action dissuasive advice made a slight dissuasive gesture with her hand • Ant: ↑persuasive • Similar to: ↑admonitory, ↑cautionary, ↑exemplary, ↑monitory, ↑ …
3Advice — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Advice >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 advice advice counsel adhortation| Sgm: N 1 word to the wise word to the wise Sgm: N 1 suggestion suggestion submonition| recommendation advocacy Sgm: N 1 advisemement …
4advice — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Counsel Nouns 1. (help given) advice, counsel, suggestion, recommendation; exhortation, expostulation; consultation, counseling, guidance; hint; admonition (See warning); sermon; guidance, instruction,… …
5Dissuasively — Dissuasive Dis*sua sive, a. Tending to dissuade or divert from a measure or purpose; dehortatory; as, dissuasive advice. n. A dissuasive argument or counsel; dissuasion; dehortation. Prynne. {Dis*sua sive*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] …
6dissuasion — n. Dehortation, dissuasive, dissuasive advice …
7Islamic scarf controversy in France — Referred to in France as l affaire du voile (the scarf affair), l affaire du voile islamique (the Islamic scarf affair), and l affaire du foulard (the scarf affair) among other bynames, the controversy over Islamic women s clothing has rocked… …
8dissuasion — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Act of changing one s intention Nouns dissuasion, determent, deterrent, dehortation, expostulation, remonstrance, admonition, warning; deprecation; discouragement, damper, cold water, wet blanket;… …