disturbance of strata

  • 91conformable — [kən fôr′mə bəl] adj. [ME] 1. that conforms; specif., a) similar b) in harmony or agreement c) adapted; suited 2. quick to conform; obedient; compliant 3. Geol. uninterruptedly parallel: said of sedimentary strata that …

    English World dictionary

  • 92earthquake — n. 1 a convulsion of the superficial parts of the earth due to the release of accumulated stress as a result of faults in strata or volcanic action. 2 a social etc. disturbance …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 93THEATER — origins post biblical period FROM 1600 TO THE 20TH CENTURY england france germany italy holland russia united states jews in the musical the jew as entertainer yiddish theater premodern performance in yiddish haskalah drama broder singers the… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 94UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, country in N. America. This article is arranged according to the following outline: introduction Colonial Era, 1654–1776 Early National Period, 1776–1820 German Jewish Period, 1820–1880 East European Jewish Period,… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism