doctrine of purpose theory of final causes

  • 1Causes of the Polish–Soviet War — The prehistory The territory, where this conflict broke out, was a part of the medieval Kievan Rus, and after the disintegration of this united Russian state (in the middle of 12th. century) belonged to the Russian princedoms of Galich, Volhynia …


  • 2Four causes — Part of a series on Aristotelianism …


  • 3finality — n. 1. Completeness, conclusiveness, definitiveness, final character. 2. Final settlement, final arrangement. 3. (Philos.) Teleology, doctrine of purpose theory of final causes …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 4Christian Doctrine —     Christian Doctrine     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Christian Doctrine     Taken in the sense of the act of teaching and the knowledge imparted by teaching , this term is synonymous with CATECHESIS and CATECHISM. Didaskalia, didache, in the… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 5The Theory of Moral Sentiments — was written by Adam Smith in 1759. It provided the ethical, philosophical, psychological and methodological underpinnings to Smith s later works, including The Wealth of Nations (1776), A Treatise on Public Opulence (1764) (first published in… …


  • 6Classical theory of growth and stagnation — Classical economics refers to work done by a group of economists in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The theories developed mainly focused on the way market economies functioned. Classical Economics study mainly concentrates on the… …


  • 7PHILOSOPHY, JEWISH — This article is arranged according to the following outline: WHAT IS JEWISH PHILOSOPHY? recent histories of jewish philosophy biblical and rabbinic antecedents bible rabbinic literature hellenistic jewish philosophy philo of alexandria biblical… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 8nature, philosophy of — Introduction       the discipline that investigates substantive issues regarding the actual features of nature as a reality. The discussion here is divided into two parts: the philosophy of physics and the philosophy of biology.       In this… …


  • 9Metaphysics — • That portion of philosophy which treats of the most general and fundamental principles underlying all reality and all knowledge Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Metaphysics     Metaphysics …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 10Enlightenment (The Scottish) — The Scottish Enlightenment M.A.Stewart INTRODUCTION The term ‘Scottish Enlightenment’ is used to characterize a hundred years of intellectual and cultural endeavour that started around the second decade of the eighteenth century. Our knowledge of …

    History of philosophy