done or cooked rare
1rare — [ rer ] adjective *** 1. ) not happening very often: In a rare moment of honesty, he told her what he had done. it is rare (for someone) to do something: It s extremely rare for her to lose her temper. a ) not often seen or found, and therefore… …
2rare — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. scarce, sparse; unusual, choice, remarkable; tenuous (See rarity); underdone, half done, half cooked, raw (see unpreparedness). Ant., plenteous, ubiquitous; well done. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1.… …
3rare */*/*/ — UK [reə(r)] / US [rer] adjective Word forms rare : adjective rare comparative rarer superlative rarest 1) a) not happening very often In a rare moment of honesty, he told her what he had done. it is rare (for someone) to do something: It s… …
4rare — W2S3 [reə US rer] adj comparative rarer superlative rarest [Sense: 1,3; Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: rarus] [Sense: 2; Date: 1600 1700; Origin: rear lightly cooked (15 19 centuries), from Old English hrer] 1.) …
5rare — [adj1] exceptional, infrequent attenuate, attenuated, deficient, extraordinary, few, few and far between*, flimsy, inconceivable, isolated, light, limited, occasional, out of the ordinary, rarefied, recherché, scanty, scarce, scattered, seldom,… …
6done — [adj1] accomplished, finished all in*, all over*, a wrap*, brought about, brought to pass, buttoned up*, compassed, complete, completed, concluded, consummated, depleted, down, drained, effected, effete, ended, executed, exhausted, fixed,… …
7cooked — adjective having been prepared for eating by the application of heat • Ant: ↑raw • Similar to: ↑au gratin, ↑baked, ↑barbecued, ↑grilled, ↑batter fried, ↑boiled, ↑ …
8done — Synonyms and related words: SOL, agreed, all bets off, all in, all off, all over, all up, amen, at an end, ausgespielt, be it so, beat, beat up, beaten, becoming, befitting, bien cuit, bone weary, brought about, bushed, canceled, caused, cleaned… …
9rare — 1. adj. (rarer, rarest) 1 seldom done or found or occurring, uncommon, unusual, few and far between. 2 exceptionally good (had a rare time). 3 of less than the usual density, with only loosely packed substance (the rare atmosphere of the mountain …
10rare — 1. adjective /ɹɛə,ɹæɚ/ a) Very uncommon; scarce. b) Cooked very lightly, so the meat is still red (in the case of steak or beef in the general sense). Syn: scarce …