
  • 111foolish — Synonyms and related words: Pickwickian, absurd, airy, apish, arch, asinine, batty, befooled, beguiled, bemused, besotted, beyond belief, bizarre, blockheaded, boneheaded, brainless, brash, buffoonish, catchpenny, cockamamie, cockeyed, confused,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 112opaque — Synonyms and related words: Boeotian, abstruse, adiaphanous, ambiguous, amorphous, amphibological, arcane, asinine, backward, baffling, becloud, beef brained, beef witted, black, blind, blockish, blurred, blurry, bovine, chumpish, clear as mud,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 113slow — 1. adjective 1) their slow walk home the donkey was annoyingly slow Syn: unhurried, leisurely, steady, sedate, slow moving, downtempo, plodding, dawdling, sluggish, sluggardly, lead footed, poky Ant …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 114comatose — adj 1. unconscious, Med. soporose, insensible, Psychiatry. cataleptic, immobile, Pathol. narcoleptic; narcotic, stuporous, stupefied, drugged, hypnotized. 2. dull, sluggish, phlegmatic, lethargic, lymphatic, torpid, heavy, leaden, lifeless;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 115feeble-minded — adj feeble, Inf. weak in the head, weak minded, deficient, subnormal, retarded, slow; slow witted, dull, dull witted, stupid, Inf. dumb, foolish; empty headed, blank, vacant, vacuous, Sl. having nobody home, Sl. empty upstairs. See foolish(def3) …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 116lackluster — adj 1. tasteless, bland, insipid, jejune, flat, dull, vapid, Sl. nothing, Sl. blah; uneventful, humdrum, monotonous, ordinary, run of the mill, commonplace, prosaic, matter of fact; tedious, tiresome, boring, boresome, wearisome, uninteresting,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 117limited — adj 1. confined, restricted, hemmed in, hedged in; tied down, checked, curbed; constrained, bound, restrained, hampered, cramped; fixed, delimited, delimitated, demarcated; circumscribed, encircled, encompassed, girded. 2. unimaginative,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 118lumpish — adj 1. lumpy, knobby, cloddy, clodlike; heavy, ponderous, elephantine, lumbering; clumsy, Sl. klutzy, lubberly, loutish, oafish; bungling, awkward, ungainly, maladroit, gawky; unpolished, rough, boorish, churlish, peasantlike, rustic; coarse,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 119simple — adj 1. easy, facile, effortless, like falling off a log, Inf. hands down, Sl. no sweat, Inf. soft, Sl. cushy, Music. semplice, Scot. eath; Inf. a snap, Inf. a breeze, Sl. cinchy, Sl. a cinch; understandable, comprehensible, intelligible, clear,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 120sodden — adj 1. soggy, soppy, sopping, sopping or wringing wet, wet, dripping; oozy, leaking, seepy, seeping; humid, damp, dank, moist, soupy, clammy, sweaty, muggy, steamy; soaked, drenched, saturated, soused, waterlogged; drowned, flooded, inundated,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder