exorbitant interest
1exorbitant interest — index usury Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
2interest — Synonyms and related words: absolute interest, absorb, absorption, accent, accrued dividends, accumulated dividends, acquisitiveness, activities, activity, advantage, advocacy, aegis, affair, affairs, affect, affect the interest, agacerie,… …
3exorbitant — adjective exorbitant interest rates Syn: extortionate, excessively high, excessive, prohibitive, outrageous, unreasonable, inflated, unconscionable, huge, enormous; informal steep, stiff, sky high, over the top, rip off Ant: reasonable …
4exorbitant — ex‧or‧bi‧tant [ɪgˈzɔːbtnt ǁ ɔːr ] adjective an exorbitant price, rate, demand etc is much higher than is reasonable or usual: • He claims his bank is forcing him to pay exorbitant charges. • On the black market prices were particularly… …
5exorbitant — adj. VERBS ▪ be, seem, sound ADVERB ▪ grossly (BrE, law) ▪ The rate of interest is grossly exorbitant. ▪ …
6exorbitant — ex|or|bi|tant [ıgˈzo:bıtənt US o:r ] adj [Date: 1400 1500; : French; Origin: Late Latin, present participle of exorbitare to leave the track , from Latin orbita track ] an exorbitant price, amount of money etc is much higher than it should be =… …
7exorbitant — ex|or|bi|tant [ ıg zɔrbıtənt ] adjective an exorbitant price or amount of money is much more than is reasonable: It meant borrowing money at an exorbitant rate of interest. exorbitant wage demands ╾ ex|or|bi|tance noun uncount ╾ ex|or|bi|tant|ly… …
8exorbitant — UK [ɪɡˈzɔː(r)bɪtənt] / US [ɪɡˈzɔrbɪtənt] adjective an exorbitant price or amount of money is much more than is reasonable It meant borrowing money at an exorbitant rate of interest. exorbitant wage demands Derived words: exorbitance noun… …
9exorbitant rate of interest — unreasonably high interest rate …
10exorbitant — Many writers, on both sides of the Atlantic, show a perplexing impulse to put an h into the word, as here: This is on the argument that they are troubled by exhorbitant interest charges (Times). Inhexcusable …