for a long time

  • 21Tomorrow Is a Long Time — Infobox Song Name =Tomorrow Is a Long Time Border = Caption = Type =album track Artist =Bob Dylan alt Artist = Album =Bob Dylan s Greatest Hits Vol. II Published = Released =1971 track no =17 Recorded =April 121963, Town Hall Genre = Length =3:01 …


  • 22long-serving — UK US adjective [before noun] HR, WORKPLACE ► having worked for the same organization, or having had the same job for a long time: long serving employees/staff »The Railroad Retirement Act allowed long serving employees to retire with full… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 23long-service — UK US adjective [before noun] HR, WORKPLACE ► relating to a situation in which someone has worked for a particular organization for a long time: long service award/benefits/leave »He received a £20,000 long service award after working 25 years… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 24Time-honored — Time hon ored (t[imac]m [o^]n [ e]rd), a. Honored for a long time; venerable, and worthy of honor, by reason of antiquity, or long continuance. [1913 Webster] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 25long-standing — [lôŋ′stan΄diŋ] adj. having continued for a long time: also longstanding * * * long stand·ing (lôngʹstănʹdĭng, lŏngʹ ) adj. Of long duration or existence: a long standing friendship. * * * …


  • 26long-term care — UK US noun [U] ► medical treatment that lasts for a long time: »The facility provides long tem care for the elderly …

    Financial and business terms

  • 27Time, Forward! — (translit. Vremya, vperyod! , ru. Время, вперёд!) is the Soviet 1965 drama film directed by Sofiya Milkina and Mikhail Shveytser based on a novel with the same name and a screenplay by Valentin Katayev. Composer Georgi Sviridov, sound by Lev… …


  • 28long-lasting — adj. Existing or persisting for a long time; as, a long lasting friendship. Syn: durable, lasting, long lived. [WordNet 1.5] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 29Long-suffering — Long suf fer*ing, n. Bearing injuries or provocation for a long time; patient endurance of pain or unhappiness; patient; not easily provoked. Syn: long sufferance. [1913 Webster] The Lord God, merciful and gracious, long suffering, and abundant… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 30long-term unemployment — ➔ unemployment * * * long term unemployment UK US noun [U] ECONOMICS, HR ► a situation in which people have not had a job for a long time, usually a year or more: »The unemployed must be offered retraining instead of long term unemployment and de …

    Financial and business terms