formulary of public worship

  • 1liturgy — n. Ritual, formulary of public worship, agenda …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 2First Stadtholderless Period — The First Stadtholderless Period or Era (1650 1672) (Dutch Eerste Stadhouderloze Tijdperk ) is the period in the history of the Dutch Republic in which it reached the zenith of its economic, military and political Golden Age. The term has… …


  • 3Agenda (liturgy) — The name Agenda (“Things to be Done”; Germ. Agende or Kirchenagende ) is given, particularly in the Lutheran Church, to the official books dealing with the forms and ceremonies of divine service. The Term; its Equivalents Before the Reformation… …


  • 4Liturgies — Liturgy Lit ur*gy (l[i^]t [u^]r*j[y^]), n.; pl. {Liturgies} (l[i^]t [u^]r*j[i^]z). [F. liturgie, LL. liturgia, Gr. leitoyrgi a a public service, the public service of God, public worship; (assumed) le i:tos, lei^tos, belonging to the people,… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 5Liturgy — Lit ur*gy (l[i^]t [u^]r*j[y^]), n.; pl. {Liturgies} (l[i^]t [u^]r*j[i^]z). [F. liturgie, LL. liturgia, Gr. leitoyrgi a a public service, the public service of God, public worship; (assumed) le i:tos, lei^tos, belonging to the people, public (fr.… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 6creed — creedal, credal, adj. creeded, adj. creedless, adj. creedlessness, n. /kreed/, n. 1. any system, doctrine, or formula of religious belief, as of a denomination. 2. any system or codification of belief or of opinion. 3. an authoritative,… …


  • 7Bishop — • The title of an ecclesiastical dignitary who possesses the fullness of the priesthood to rule a diocese as its chief pastor, in due submission to the primacy of the pope Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Bishop     Bishop …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 8duty — Synonyms and related words: Mass, VAT, accountability, active service, ad valorem duty, admiration, adoration, alcohol tax, allegiance, amenability, amusement tax, answerability, apotheosis, appreciation, approbation, approval, assessment,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 9service — Synonyms and related words: American plan, European plan, Mass, a la carte, accommodation, account, acquiescence, act of grace, act of kindness, action, active service, activities, activity, advantage, advice, affair, affairs, agency, aid, air… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 10liturgy — Synonyms and related words: Mass, baccalaureate service, bedtime prayer, camp meeting, celebration, ceremonial, ceremony, church, church service, commencement, compline, convocation, devotions, divine service, duty, empty formality, evening… …

    Moby Thesaurus