free in expression

  • 61Free-Bench —    In the will of Anketin de Betteville occurs the expression saving to Matilda his wife her free bench out of his mansion in Bradstreet according to the custom of the City, 1290 1 (Ct. H.W. I. 96).    Robert de Wyrcestre gave to his wife for… …

    Dictionary of London

  • 62free lunch —    The expression there s no such thing as a free lunch means that nothing is free. If somebody helps you, they always expect some form of payment in return.     If you accept his offer, he ll be forever asking you for favours. There s no such… …

    English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • 63free lunch — /fri ˈlʌntʃ/ (say free lunch) noun 1. US food given without charge, as in a hotel to encourage the purchase of drinks. –phrase 2. there s no such thing as a free lunch, (an expression used to communicate the view that anything which appears to be …

  • 64FREE — Federal Resources For Educational Excellence (Community » Educational) * Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment (Community » Media) * Friends Of Refugees Of Eastern Europe (Community » Religion) * Freeserve, P. L. C. (Business » NASDAQ Symbols) * Free… …

    Abbreviations dictionary

  • 65Free The Army tour — The FTA Tour ( Free The Army , a play on the troop expression Fuck The Army , which in turn was a play on the army slogan Fun, Travel and Adventure ) was an anti Vietnam War road show designed as a response to Bob Hope s USO tour. It was first… …


  • 66free rein — ► (a) free rein freedom of action or expression. Main Entry: ↑rein …

    English terms dictionary

  • 67free jazz — spontaneously experimental, free form jazz, popularized as an avant garde phenomenon in the 1960s by various soloists and characterized by random expression and disregard for traditional structures, tonalities, and rhythms. Also called new thing …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 68free association — Psychoanal. the uncensored expression of the ideas, impressions, etc., passing through the mind of the analysand, a technique used to facilitate access to the unconscious. [1895 1900] * * * …


  • 69free country — democracy, country that is not ruled by a totalitarian regime, country in which a person has freedom of choice and expression …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 70free love — noun (U) an expression meaning the practice or principle of having sex with people without being faithful to one person or without being married, used especially in the 1960s and 1970s …

    Longman dictionary of contemporary English