1Transport: Boats , Rohr Ian (2005)
"Transport" is one of three new additions to this popular non-fiction series. There are four books on the theme of transport - all carefully created to make information accessible to young readers… 366 руб2Transport Phenomena. An Introduction to Advanced Topics , Larry Glasgow A.
Enables readers to apply transport phenomena principles to solve advanced problems in all areas of engineering and science This book helps readers elevate their understanding of, and their ability to… 11941.25 руб электронная книга3Transport _Транспорт. Тематический словарь (2013)
Вашему вниманию предлагается учебное пособие Transport / Транспорт. Тематический словарь . Поворачивая круг… 85 грн (только Украина)4Transport and Coherent Structures in Wall Turbulence , Sedat Tardu
Wall bounded turbulent flows are of major importance in industrial and environmental fluid mechanics. The structure of the wall turbulence is intrinsically related to the coherent structures that… 15683.63 руб электронная книга5Transport and Mixing in Laminar Flows. From Microfluidics to Oceanic Currents , Grigoriev Roman
This book provides readers from academia and industry with an up-to-date overview of important advances in the field, dealing with such fundamental fluid mechanics problems as nonlinear transport… 12487.58 руб электронная книга6Transport _Транспорт. Иллюстрированный тематический словарь (2016)
71 руб7Transport (Sound Pull Board Book) (2017)
This book is filled with wonderful illustrations and is ideal for music-loving children. When pulling a tab, a melody starts to play to accompany the scene, so the child can dream away 1186 руб8Advanced Transport Protocols. Designing the Next Generation , Ernesto Exposito
The current diversity of transport services, as well as the complexity resulting from the deployment of specific transport protocols or mechanisms over the different services provided by… 12350.99 руб электронная книга9Multimodal Transport Systems , Slim Hammadi
The use and management of multimodal transport systems, including car-pooling and goods transportation, have become extremely complex, due to their large size (sometimes several thousand variables)… 10269.66 руб электронная книга10Porous Media Transport Phenomena , Faruk Civan
The book that makes transport in porous media accessible to students and researchers alike Porous Media Transport Phenomena covers the general theories behind flow and transport in porous media—a… 11316.87 руб электронная книга