in a primary manner

  • 21The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Primary and Secondary Phases — The terms Primary Phase and Secondary Phase describe the first two radio series of The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy . [The spelling of Hitchhiker s Guide has varied in different editions. For consistency this article always spells it this way …


  • 22Kariba Heights Primary School — is the only primary school catering to the middle class in Kariba, Zimbabwe. The school caters to children from grades one to seven.The headmaster MR Kapurura has been at the school for a long time now and has made a considerable contribution to… …


  • 23Primarily — Pri ma*ri*ly, adv. In a primary manner; in the first place; in the first place; in the first intention; originally. [1913 Webster] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 24Newport Chemical Depot — The Newport Chemical Depot, previously known as the Wabash River Ordinance Works and the Newport Army Ammunition Plant, was a bulk chemical storage and destruction facility in west central Indiana, thirty miles north of Terre Haute operated by… …


  • 25principally — adverb In a primary manner; pertaining to the principal of a matter …


  • 26primarily — ad. Originally, in the first place, in a primary manner …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 27CH2OH — Primary Pri ma*ry, a. [L. primarius, fr. primus first: cf. F. primaire. See {Prime}, a., and cf. {Premier}, {Primero}.] 1. First in order of time or development or in intention; primitive; fundamental; original. [1913 Webster] The church of… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 28primitive rocks — Primary Pri ma*ry, a. [L. primarius, fr. primus first: cf. F. primaire. See {Prime}, a., and cf. {Premier}, {Primero}.] 1. First in order of time or development or in intention; primitive; fundamental; original. [1913 Webster] The church of… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 29Magna Carta Source — ▪ Primary Source [1215]       John, by the grace of God, king of England, lord of Ireland, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and count of Anjou, to the archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls, barons, justiciars, foresters, sheriffs, stewards, servants …


  • 30Cortes's Account of the City of Mexico — ▪ Primary Source       FROM HIS SECOND LETTER TO THE EMPEROR CHARLES V.       In order, most potent Sire, to convey to your Majesty a just conception of the great extent of this noble city of Temixtitan, and of the many rare and wonderful objects …
