in energy

  • 11Energy Consumption —   The amount of energy consumed in the form in which it is acquired by the user. The term excludes electrical generation and distribution losses.   ***   The use of energy as a source of heat or power or as a raw material input to a manufacturing …

    Energy terms

  • 12Energy Information Administration — (EIA)   An independent agency within the U.S. Department of Energy that develops surveys, collects energy data, and does analytical and modeling analyses of energy issues. The Agency must satisfy the requests of Congress, other elements within… …

    Energy terms

  • 13Energy Charge —   That part of an electricity bill that is based on the amount of electrical energy consumed or supplied.   The amount of money owed by an electric customer for kilowatt hours consumed.   ***   That portion of the charge for electric service… …

    Energy terms

  • 14Energy management practices —   Involvement, as a part of the building s normal operations, in energy efficiency programs that are designed to reduce the energy used by specific end use systems. This includes the following EMCS, DSM Program Participation, Energy Audit, and a… …

    Energy terms

  • 15Energy information —   Includes (A) all information in whatever form on fuel reserves, extraction, and energy resources (including petrochemical feedstocks) wherever located; production, distribution, and consumption of energy and fuels wherever carried on; and (B)… …

    Energy terms

  • 16Energy-use sectors —   A group of major energy consuming components of U.S. society developed to measure and analyze energy use. The sectors most commonly referred to in EIA are: residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, and electric power.   U.S. Dept. of …

    Energy terms

  • 17Energy broker system —   Introduced into Florida by the Public Service Commission, the energy broker system is a system for exchanging information that allows utilities to efficiently exchange hourly quotations of prices at which each is willing to buy and sell… …

    Energy terms

  • 18Energy exchange —   Any transaction in which quantities of energy are received or given up in return for similar energy products. See exchange, electricity; exchange, petroleum; and exchange, natural gas.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s …

    Energy terms

  • 19Energy expenditures —   The money directly spent by consumers to purchase energy. Expenditures equal the amount of energy used by the consumer multiplied by the price per unit paid by the consumer.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy… …

    Energy terms

  • 20Energy Factor — (EF)   The measure of overall efficiency for a variety of appliances. For water heaters, the energy factor is based on three factors: 1) the recovery efficiency, or how efficiently the heat from the energy source is transferred to the water; 2)… …

    Energy terms