join forces
1join\ forces — • join forces • join hands v. phr. To get together for the same aim; group together for a purpose; unite. The students and the graduates joined forces to raise money when the gym burned down. The American soldiers joined hands with the British in …
2join forces — ► join forces combine efforts. Main Entry: ↑join …
3join forces — index affiliate, combine (act in concert), concur (agree), connive, consolidate (unite), co …
4join forces — verb work together on a common enterprise of project (Freq. 2) The soprano and the pianist did not get together very well We joined forces with another research group • Syn: ↑collaborate, ↑cooperate, ↑get together • Derivationally related …
5join forces — Ⅰ. combine/join forces ► to work with someone in order to achieve something you both want: »The two companies, one Dutch the other French, have just joined forces to exploit the European market for petfood. Main Entry: ↑force Ⅱ. join forces ► to… …
6join forces with someone — join forces (with someone) phrase to work together with someone else in order to achieve something Teachers joined forces with parents to prepare the hall for the school play. Thesaurus: to do something with someone elsesynonym Main entry: join …
7join forces with — index consolidate (unite) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
8join forces — Synonyms and related words: affiliate, ally, associate, band together, be in cahoots, bunch, bunch up, cabal, cement a union, centralize, club, club together, come together, confederate, consociate, conspire, couple, federalize, federate, gang,… …
9join forces — or[join hands] {v. phr.} To get together for the same aim; group together for a purpose; unite. * /The students and the graduates joined forces to raise money when the gym burned down./ * /The American soldiers joined hands with the British in… …
10join forces — or[join hands] {v. phr.} To get together for the same aim; group together for a purpose; unite. * /The students and the graduates joined forces to raise money when the gym burned down./ * /The American soldiers joined hands with the British in… …