keep private
1private — pri‧vate [ˈpraɪvt] adjective [only before a noun] 1. private property, businesses, activities etc are owned or paid for by people and companies, rather than the government: • They transferred ownership of thousands of companies from the state to …
2Private series characters — Private is a series of novels by American author Kate Brian. The cast of characters is as follows. Reed BrennanThe protagonist and narrator of the series, Reed Brennan is a collected outsider from Pennsylvania who, at the beginning of Private ,… …
3Private equity in the 21st century — relates to one of the major periods in the history of private equity and venture capital. Within the broader private equity industry, two distinct sub industries, leveraged buyouts and venture capital experienced growth along parallel although… …
4Private equity in the 1990s — relates to one of the major periods in the history of private equity and venture capital. Within the broader private equity industry, two distinct sub industries, leveraged buyouts and venture capital experienced growth along parallel although… …
5Keep Adding — is an artist group formed in the year 2001.Keep Adding creates environments that address space, context, and site. These spaces are not simply the cube of a gallery or an abandoned house – they are the sites of complete sensory experiences. Keep… …
6private — [prī′vət] adj. [ME pryvat < L privatus, belonging to oneself, not to the state < privare, to separate, deprive < privus, separate, peculiar, prob. akin to OL pri: see PRIME] 1. of, belonging to, or concerning a particular person or… …
7keep a lid on — keep a (or the) lid on informal keep (an emotion or process) from going out of control she was no longer able to keep the lid on her simmering anger ■ keep secret she keeps a very tight lid on her own private life * * * keep a lid on 1 : to keep… …
8Private protected areas of India — refer to protected areas inside India whose land rights are owned by an individual or a corporation / organization, and where the habitat and resident species are offered some kind of protection from exploitative activities like hunting, logging …
9Keep America Beautiful — is an environmental organization founded in 1953. It is the largest community improvement organization in the United States, with approximately 580 affiliate organizations (similar to local chapters) and more than 17,000 participating communities …
10Keep Young Youth Hostel — (Xichang,Китай) Категория отеля: Адрес: No.27 4 Building Laohaiting Guanhai …