look askance
1look askance at — (someone/something) to consider someone or something in a disapproving way. The courts have tended to look askance at many of these claims. Our teachers looked at us askance …
2look askance at — index disfavor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
3look askance (at something) — look askance (at someone/something) phrase to show that you do not approve of someone or something or that you do not feel certain about them They looked askance at the old fashioned ways of their fathers. Thesaurus: to make a particular facial… …
4look askance (at somebody) — look askance (at sb/sth) | look (at sb/sth) askance idiom to look at or react to sb/sth with suspicion or doubt, or in a critical way • The opposition party looked askance at most of the government s proposed policies. • She looked askance at him …
5look askance at someone — look askance at (someone/something) to consider someone or something in a disapproving way. The courts have tended to look askance at many of these claims. Our teachers looked at us askance …
6look askance at something — look askance at (someone/something) to consider someone or something in a disapproving way. The courts have tended to look askance at many of these claims. Our teachers looked at us askance …
7look askance (at someone) — look askance (at someone/something) phrase to show that you do not approve of someone or something or that you do not feel certain about them They looked askance at the old fashioned ways of their fathers. Thesaurus: to make a particular facial… …
8look askance at — look suspiciously, look with distrust …
9look (at somebody) askance — look askance (at sb/sth) | look (at sb/sth) askance idiom to look at or react to sb/sth with suspicion or doubt, or in a critical way • The opposition party looked askance at most of the government s proposed policies. • She looked askance at him …
10look (at something) askance — look askance (at sb/sth) | look (at sb/sth) askance idiom to look at or react to sb/sth with suspicion or doubt, or in a critical way • The opposition party looked askance at most of the government s proposed policies. • She looked askance at him …