make afraid

  • 51frighten — frightenable, adj. frightener, n. frighteningly, adv. /fruyt n/, v.t. 1. to make afraid or fearful; throw into a fright; terrify; scare. 2. to drive (usually fol. by away, off, etc.) by scaring: to frighten away pigeons from the roof. v.i. 3 …


  • 52áblycgan — wv/1b to grow pale; make afraid …

    Old to modern English dictionary

  • 53scare — I. n. Fright, panic, sudden terror. II. v. a. Frighten, affright, fright, intimidate, daunt, appall, terrify, make afraid, put in fear …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 54frighten — fright•en [[t]ˈfraɪt n[/t]] v. t. 1) to make afraid or fearful; throw into a fright; terrify; scare 2) to drive by scaring (usu. fol. by away, off, etc.): to frighten away pigeons from the roof[/ex] 3) cvb to become frightened: a timid child who… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 55panic — [n1] extreme fright agitation, alarm, cold feet*, confusion, consternation, crush, dismay, dread, fear, frenzy, horror, hysteria, jam, rush, scare, stampede, terror, trepidation; concepts 27,410,690 Ant. calm, collectedness, confidence,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 56dismay — [dis mā′] vt. [ME dismayen < Anglo Fr * desmaier < des , intens. + OFr esmayer, to deprive of power < VL * exmagare < L ex , from + Gmc base * mag, power: see MAIN] to make afraid or discouraged at the prospect of trouble or danger;… …

    English World dictionary

  • 57dis|may|ing|ly — «dihs MAY ihng lee», adverb. in a dismaying manner; so as to trouble or make afraid …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 58dis|may — «dihs MAY», noun, verb. –n. loss of courage because of dislike or fear of what is about to happen or has happened: »And each In other s countenance read his own dismay (Milton). ╂[< verb] –v.t. to trouble greatly; make afraid; paralyze with… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 59in|tim´i|dat´ing|ly — in|tim|i|date «ihn TIHM uh dayt», transitive verb, dat|ed, dat|ing. 1. to frighten; make afraid; overawe: »to intimidate one s opponents with threats. SYNONYM(S): cow. 2. to influence o …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 60in|tim|i|date — «ihn TIHM uh dayt», transitive verb, dat|ed, dat|ing. 1. to frighten; make afraid; overawe: »to intimidate one s opponents with threats. SYNONYM(S): cow. 2. to influence o …

    Useful english dictionary