make foul

  • 131slobber — /ˈslɒbə / (say slobuh) verb (i) 1. to let saliva, etc., run from the mouth; slaver; dribble. 2. to indulge in mawkish sentimentality. –verb (t) 3. to wet or make foul by slobbering. 4. to utter with slobbering. –noun 5. saliva or liquid dribbling …

  • 132defile — [v] corrupt, violate abuse, adulterate, befoul, besmirch, contaminate, debase, deflower, degrade, desecrate, dirty, discolor, disgrace, dishonor, hurt, maculate, make foul, mess up*, molest, muck up*, pollute, profane, rape, ravish, scuzz up*,… …

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