make glitter or gleam or shine

  • 11shimmer — v 1. glow, gleam faintly, shine; luminesce, incandesce, phosphoresce, make radiant or lustrous; illuminate, illumine, Archaic. illume, Obs. en lumine; brighten, light up, cast light upon, make brilliant or luminous; radiate, irradiate, effulge;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 12eye — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 part of the body ADJECTIVE ▪ left, right ▪ amber, blue, brown, dark, golden, green, grey/gray …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 13glint — n 1. glimmer, glimmering, glinting, glistening, glistering; twinkle, twinkling, shining, sparkle, sparkling; spark, scintillation, scintilla; flicker, flickering, flutter, fluttering, quivering, shivering, ripple, rippling; shimmer, shimmering,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 14ĝhel-1 (and ghel-?), also as i-, u- or n-stem; ĝhelǝ- : ĝhlē-, ĝhlō- : ĝhlǝ- (*ĝhwel-) —     ĝhel 1 (and ghel ?), also as i , u or n stem; ĝhelǝ : ĝhlē , ĝhlō : ĝhlǝ (*ĝhwel )     English meaning: to shine; green, gold, blue, *sun     Deutsche Übersetzung: “glänzen, schimmern”; as Farbadjektiv: “gelb, grũn, grau or blau”… …

    Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • 15flash — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. i. flare, blaze; burst, streak; gleam, scintillate; retort. See light. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Sudden, brief light] Syn. glimmer, sparkle, glitter, glisten, scintillation, gleam, glance, beam,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 16light — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) I adj. airy (see levity); frivolous, jesting, jocular, lightsome; giddy, dizzy, flighty; wanton; nimble, agile; flippant, pert, insouciant; humorous; trivial. See cheerfulness, unimportance, impurity,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 17beam — [n1] length of material used as support axle, bail, balk, bolster, boom, brace, cantilever, column, crossbar, crosspiece, girder, jamb, joist, lath, lintel, pile, piling, pillar, plank, pole, post, prop, rafter, reach, scaffolding, scantling,… …

    New thesaurus

  • 18dei-1, dei̯ǝ-, dī-, di̯ā- —     dei 1, dei̯ǝ , dī , di̯ā     English meaning: to shine; day; sun; sky god, god     Deutsche Übersetzung: “hell glänzen, schimmern, scheinen”     Note: (older “*dart rays”?)     Note: The origin of the sky god was Anatolia, where the Sumerian… …

    Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • 19sparkle — v 1. spark, light, scintillate, flame, blaze, burn; shine, twinkle, flicker, blink, wink, flutter; quiver, shiver, ripple; shimmer, dance, dazzle, bedazzle; glisten, Archaic. glister, glitter, glint, glimmer; gleam, glare, effulge, shine forth,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 20flash — n 1. streak, patch, glint, lightning; shaft, ray, beam; gleam, glare, fulguration, coruscation; brightness, dazzle, dazzling, bedazzlement, bedazzling, blinding; blaze, flame, flare, spark, scintilla, scintillation; shimmer, flicker, twinkle,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder