make glitter or gleam or shine

  • 21glare — Synonyms and related words: PR, aller sans dire, angry look, appear, ballyhoo, bandage, be bright, be evident, be manifest, be no secret, be noticeable, be revealed, be seen, be visible, beacon, beam, bedazzle, bedroom eyes, benight, blare,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 22glance — Synonyms and related words: Roman candle, aid to navigation, alarm, amber light, attouchement, avert, balefire, be bright, beacon, beacon fire, beam, bear off, beat the drum, bedazzle, bell, bell buoy, blaze, blaze of light, blind, blink, blinker …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 23glance — I. n. 1. Glitter, gleam. 2. Glimpse, transitory view, rapid look. II. v. n. 1. Glitter, gleam, shine, flash, coruscate, scintillate, glisten, glister. 2. Flit, dart, appear and disappear. 3. Dart aside, fly off obliquely. 4 …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 24glance — v 1. look quickly or briefly, cast a brief look at, catch a glimpse of, snatch a glimpse, glimpse, look hurriedly, regard hastily, peek, peep, sneak a look or peek, squint; observe, witness, view, behold, contemplate, see; pray, watch for, be on… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 25flash — Synonyms and related words: Teletype, advertise, air, antelope, arrow, automatic response, backfire, bang, be bright, beacon, beam, beat the drum, bedazzle, blare, blast, blaze, blaze of light, blazon forth, blind, blind impulse, blink, blowout,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 26light — I n 1. illumination, luminescence, luminosity, radiation, shining, beaming, gleaming; luminousness, brilliance, radiance, lambency, luster, shine, effulgence; irradiation, glow, glowing, fluorescence, in candescence, phosphorescence; brightness,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 27dazzle — Synonyms and related words: addle, addle the wits, amaze, astonish, astound, awe, awestrike, ball up, bandage, be bright, beacon, beam, becloud, bedaze, bedazzle, befuddle, beguile, benight, bewilder, bewitch, blatancy, blaze, blind, blind the… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 28wink — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. blink, nictitate, nictate, squint, twinkle; overlook, ignore, condone. See vision, forgiveness, neglect, indication. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To close one eye] Syn. squint, blink, nictate, nictitate,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 29glow — Synonyms and related words: Hygeia, ablate, activity, afterglow, air glow, alpenglow, animation, ardency, ardor, attractiveness, aurora, bake, be bright, be in heat, be somebody, be something, beacon, beam, beauteousness, beautifulness, beauty,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 30light — [adj1] illuminated ablaze, aglow, bright, brilliant, burnished, clear, cloudless, flashing, fluorescent, glossy, glowing, lambent, lucent, luminous, lustrous, phosphorescent, polished, radiant, refulgent, resplendent, rich, scintillant, shining,… …

    New thesaurus